The Yosemite Park Incident By Parrot This story took place at the Yosemite National Park, California in August 2000. The weather outside was cool and dry with streaks of clouds above. Three young girls are camping for the weekend starting Friday, and finishing Sunday. Shannon's from North Carolina and this is her first trip to a national forest, and to California. She's camping here with two of her other friends named Jessica and Natalie. All three graduated from the same Jamboree high school in North Carolina in spring 0f 2000 as they're all 18 years old. They wanted to do something together one last time before attending different colleges this Fall. Shannon and her friends got all their camping gear together and backpacks together and flew to California on American Airlines Friday morning at 10 am. when they arrived at the Los Angeles International Airport at 3 pm, they took a Grey Hound bus to Yosemite for 2 hours. they hiked for two hours, from the main camp site, to an isolated site near a stream with a waterfall. All three thought the site was beautiful and decided it was the perfect place to camp for the night, and possibly for the rest of the weekend. Hiking is a hectic trek, so all three girls wore blue jean pants, tennis shoes, and wore their favorite short-sleeved shirts. Shannon had a green-yellow shirt, Natalie had a whitish-blue shirt, and Jessica had a reddish-white shirt. they shared one tent made to sleep three people, and had a great time that day, playing near the waterfall and enjoying the quite place. All three prepared to go to sleep at 10 pm as they cuddled together in one tent. Five hours later, Shannon woke up heard a strange sound coming from the woods at 3 a.m. It sounded like a loud moan. Shannon woke her other two friends as all three got out of their tents, under the moonlight, and looked around. They flashed their flashlights amongst the trees, and surroundings, but found nothing. The moans grew louder and louder by the minute, coming their direction as Shannon, Natalie, and Jessica got really scared. They were thinking of running away from this place to look for help, leaving their stuff behind. All three girls were ambushed from behind as each girl received hits and blows to their bodies from someone. The girls had a tough time trying to defend themselves, struggling to stay on their feet. All three girls were being overpowered by three things in the dark. all three lost their flashlights, as it fell to the ground. Shannon, Jessica, and Natalie were being punched repeatedly to the faces, stomachs, and heads. The assailants were overpowering and the girls couldn't fight any longer as each one eventually fell to the ground, hurting and moaning. Shannon and Natalie laid on the ground as the assailants walked away. Shannon and Natalie laid on the ground for a few minutes before getting up. As they got up, they found out that their friend Jessica was missing. They must have took her and for what reason they didn't know. They also took the flashlights as Shannon and Natalie were afraid under a pale moonlight. For the rest of the night they couldn't sleep. They worried if their coming back, So they quietly packed and found a new place not too far away to sleep. Shannon's a 5'0" 100 lb tanned oriental girl who has black hair and black eyes. Natalie is 5'1" 105 lb Hispanic girl who has black hair and black eyes. Both girls woke up the next morning at 9 am as they slept really late last night. Both are still shocked from what happened last night. Their friend Jessica who was taken from them last night was a 5'2" 112 lb white Russian girl who has brown hair and brown eyes. Shannon and Natalie got their stuff packed and started hiking back for help. Not to far off from their hike back to the main camp site that they saw one of their flash lights on the ground. There was a small path heading west. Both decided to head west to possibly find their lost friend. After 30 minutes of hiking, they both came across some litter on the ground. The litter was food wrappings. They heard a scream and wondered if it could be their friend. They both hiked slowly through the woods, keeping off the trails so they don't get seen. The whole place looked isolated and deserted with dense brushes and tall trees. They were coming across an open patch of land and saw someone through some of the brushes 100 feet away. They quietly put their backpacks aside and peeped through the brush. They saw their friend Jessica tied upright between two trees. Jessica's arms and legs were spread eagled, as each arm and leg had a rope tied around it, stretching her legs and arms apart. There were two really mean looking tall blondes there with her. They looked as though they were in their late twenties. The forest is rough so both tall blonde's wore blue pants. The smaller one had gray shirt and black shoes, and the taller one had dark purple shirt and wore brown shoes. Both Shannon and Natalie waited, watched, and listened to see what's going on. During the tall women's conversation, the one with the long blonde hair down to her back is named Tracy. Tracy looked to be 6'2" tall and possibly weighed at 165 lbs. The other blonde was named Sylvia and she was a little taller then Tracy at 6'4" and possibly weighed at 175 lbs. Also in their conversation, there was a third one named Nicole. We don't know how tall she was at this point in time because she wasn't present. Both Shannon and Natalie needed to rescue their friend Jessica and very soon. Jessica looks very exhausted and beaten. some of her clothes were torn to shreds, exposing her skin. Jessica has a left black eye, and Shannon couldn't risk hiking back for 2 hours to the main camp to get help because Jessica might be too hurt when both get back or the tall blondes might leave elsewhere with their friend. Shannon and Natalie saw Tracy go up to Jessica and cup Jessica's face with her left hand, and moved Jessica's head in Tracy's direction. With her right hand, she slithered it down Jessica's pants between her legs. Jessica let out a really loud scream you wouldn't believe. How disgusting that site was to watch Tracy squeeze Jessica between her crotch. She was torturing Jessica and seemed to enjoy it. Then Tracy kissed Jessica in the mouth as Jessica let out another frightful scream. Sylvia went up to Jessica and grabbed Jessica's shirt and ripped it wide open, exposing her small breasts. Sylvia squeezed both of Jessica's breasts with her hands as Jessica let out a screamed. Shannon didn't like hearing Jessica's screams just as much as Natalie did. Could both girls take on these tall women? Shannon wanted to rescue Jessica, but Natalie didn't think it was a good idea. Natalie was afraid of the much taller women. Shannon reminded Natalie that their friend Jessica needed their help now, and not later. Natalie wanted to go get the police, but Shannon persuade Natalie not to, and reminded her that what might happen to their friend if they went to get help. So, after thinking about it, Natalie decided to stay and help Shannon rescue their friend Jessica. The question to the girls would be, how would they go about it. Their strength are probably not comparable to the taller women. Shannon and Natalie are far too small to go head to head against them. So, Shannon decided to wait till one of the taller woman leaves so they can get the one near their friend. Jessica just hung her head down as if though she was very weak and exhausted. Both Shannon and Natalie got their break when the Sylvia went into the forest to get some fire wood for the fire. That should take Sylvia between 20-30 minutes before she comes back. Shannon let Natalie know about the details before getting set for her attack. Natalie went out in the open to distract Tracy while Shannon went around from the woods. Tracy was surprised to see someone in this part of the woods and Natalie taunted Tracy to let her friend go or else. Tracy just laughed as she took a few steps closer towards Natalie. Natalie took a few steps backwards as Tracy kept taunting the taller woman. Tracy paid too much attention to little Natalie as little Shannon, from behind, crept closer to Tracy as she used her forearm to deliver an uppercut chop between Tracy's legs. Tracy yelped as loud as she could as she lost control of her legs, falling down to her knees. Shannon jumped on Tracy's back, wrapping her left arm around Tracy's neck and started choking the taller women. Tracy focusing on Shannon, didn't see Natalie as Natalie used her right foot to deliver a crotch kick between Tracy's long legs. Tracy yelped again as Tracy fell onto her back with Shannon underneath. Shannon wrapped her small legs around Tracy's waist as she held her choke grip around Tracy's neck. Natalie started kicking Tracy wildly on the sides of Tracy's stomach, face, arms, legs, breasts, and made sure she delivered a crotch kick once in a while to make sure Tracy doesn't have the strength to get up. The taller woman was in trouble, struggling to catch her breath and trying to re-gain her strength as Shannon and Natalie weakened the taller woman as her movements became slower, and slower. Tracy was having a difficult time trying to dislodge her tiny attacker who was choking her while the other one was kicking her body and crotch area. Jessica was ecstatic about the situation as she was rooting for her friends not too far away. Natalie stopped kicking Tracy after noticing the taller woman's movements became much slower. Natalie then sat on Tracy's stomach and loaded Tracy's face with right and left punches. With Shannon's choke and Natalie's hits to the face, Tracy passed out cold. Small amounts of blood spewed out of Tracy's left nostril. The little oriental and Hispanic girl defeated the taller white blonde woman as they hurried to Jessica to untie her before Sylvia came back. They were untying Jessica before someone, coming out of the woods, started getting hysterical. Sylvia screamed Tracy's name after seeing her on the ground motionless, then saw two girls trying to untie their friend. Sylvia stormed right towards the little girls as both Shannon and Natalie backed off and kept their distance. Both girls screamed at Sylvia to let their friend go or else they'll call the police. Sylvia stepped forward and chased the little girls into the forest. Shannon and Natalie ran like the wind as Sylvia was right behind them. Shannon and Natalie split up and ran in different directions. Sylvia stopped for a few seconds and decided to run after Natalie. Natalie ran into the dense part of the woods and as Sylvia ran past the dense part of the woods, Natalie disappeared. Sylvia stopped in her tracks to see where Natalie could be, but didn't see her. Sylvia thought maybe Natalie could be hiding somewhere in the bushes, so Sylvia walked slowly, looking inside the bushes as she went by. Natalie was hiding behind some dense bush as she saw Shannon peeping through another bush on the other side of where Sylvia was standing. Sylvia turned in the direction of Shannon after hearing a branch crack. Shannon might be in trouble so Natalie made her move. She used the an old log on the ground as a jumping platform and jumped on Sylvia's back, wrapping her left arm around Sylvia's neck and started choking her. The surprised Sylvia awkwardly moved around, trying to dislodge her, while Shannon came out and punched Sylvia in the gut. That didn't do much as Sylvia swatted Shannon across her face using her left hand. Shannon fell to the floor onto her side as Sylvia yanked out Natalie's arm that was around her neck and grabbed Natalie's hair with her hands and threw Natalie to the ground onto her back. Shannon charged right into the taller woman, but Sylvia grabbed Shannon by her hair with her left hand and delivered a right arm smash on top of Shannon's back. Shannon fell to the floor onto her stomach, squinting from the pain. Natalie from behind hammered Sylvia's back with a wooden club she found on the ground, causing Sylvia much pain as she fell on her knees. Natalie tried to hit Sylvia again, but Sylvia swatted the club away with her left arm. Shannon was already up as she stepped forward and scratched Sylvia's eyes with her hands. Sylvia screamed out loud as she closed her eyes from the pain. From behind Natalie kicked Sylvia in the back, as Shannon started kicking Sylvia's stomach. Sylvia struggled around as she tried to block the kicks with her hands and tried hitting the small girls with her hands blindly, but she hit nothing but air. Shannon came forward and delivered a series of punches into Sylvia's face as Natalie, from behind, quickly wrapped her left arm around Sylvia's neck and started choking her again. Sylvia started to get up, but Shannon made sure she stayed down on her knees by kicking the blinded Sylvia between her long legs using her right foot. Sylvia grunted as she fell back down onto her knees and ass as Shannon kicked Sylvia in the face, causing her to fall onto her back, with Natalie in the bottom. Natalie kept on choking the taller woman while Shannon kicked Sylvia's breasts, sides of her waist, legs, and delivered several crotch kicks between Sylvia's long legs once in a while to keep her down. Once Sylvia was weakened, Shannon sat on Sylvia's stomach and delivered and array of right fisted punches into Sylvia's face. Blood came out oozing through Sylvia's nose. Shannon even squeezed Sylvia's bigger breasts with her hands as Sylvia screamed before continuing to punch Sylvia's face. Sylvia eventually passed out from the ongoing choking from Natalie and array of punches from Shannon. Shannon and Natalie left Sylvia on the ground as they made their way back to Jessica. Once they got there, Jessica was still tied up, but Tracy was recovering from her wounds as she tried to make her way up. Shannon made sure she stayed on the ground by grabbing Tracy's hair with her left hand and delivering a knee blow into Tracy's face, causing her to fall on her back, moaning. Shannon then kicked Tracy between the her long legs as Tracy yelped and covered her crotch area with her hands and folded herself up. Shannon smiled to herself as well as Natalie. Shannon went to Jessica and untied her while Natalie went to Tracy, and once on the ground, wrapped her thighs between Tracy's neck from behind in a scissors hold and started squeezing. Tracy tried to pry Natalie's smaller legs from her neck by using her hands, but she was too weak to do it. Tracy eventually passed out again. Jessica finally was relieved that she wasn't tied down to those trees anymore. Jessica was very weak and couldn't hardly stand up. Shannon and Natalie had each of Jessica's arms around their necks, helping her walk out of there. All three headed back to the main camp on foot, but it took longer because Jessica was too weak to walk. They had to stop every 10 minutes to rest. After walking for 45 minutes, they stopped by a stream surrounded by rocks, and it had a like a mini waterfall. You can hear the water flowing down the stream. They rested and sat on the rocks for a few minutes for Jessica to get her strength back. On the other side of the stream a tall figure wearing blue jeans, white shirt, and brown rocky mountain shoes was looking at the three little girls. She was very tall blonde white woman, and she must have been 6'7" tall, and her weight could have been 200 lbs. She looked as she was in her early thirties. Shannon and Natalie knew this has to be Nicole. Nicole jumped in the stream wading towards the girls, as the girls jumped up and started walking as fast as they could away from Nicole with Jessica arms around their necks. Nicole was gaining up on them before turning right, out of Nicole's view. Nicole kept on coming as they hid Jessica behind a heavy bush. Shannon and Natalie ran past a few bushes and trees before Nicole saw them again. Both Shannon and Natalie stopped in their tracks confronting the taller woman. Nicole bad mouth the smaller girls bad names, calling Shannon a "Chink girl," "Oriental trash," as well calling Natalie names such as "Wet-back," "Mexican prick." Shannon had a few words for Nicole, calling her "White trash," "Redneck whore." After the name calling, Nicole charged after the girls as they ran up the stream. Nicole was faster and grabbed Natalie's shirt from behind. Shannon stopped in her tracks, looking back and seeing Nicole throwing Natalie to the ground and stomping on her with her right foot. Shannon ran up to Nicole and tried to kick Nicole's left shin, but missed when Nicole moved her leg out of way. Nicole punched Shannon in the face as she fell on the ground, to her side. Natalie got back up and ducked under Nicole's hands who was trying to grab her again. Both Shannon and Nicole started to move away from each other in a circle, keeping Nicole in the middle. Nicole taunted the two to give it their best shot. The small girls ran at the same time towards Nicole and collided into her, holding and swinging their small fists. Shannon connected a few times in the stomach, while Natalie had no problem connecting at Nicole's back. Nicole grabbed Shannon's hair and started jerking her head back and forth. From behind, Natalie used her right forearm to delivered a uppercut between Nicole's legs. Nicole grunted as she let go of Shannon's hair as Sylvia's legs quickly closed tightly together as she put her hands between her legs. Shannon jumped up and punched the much taller woman in the face. Natalie got on all fours behind Nicole as Shannon's punch caused Nicole to take a few steps backwards, falling over Natalie and onto her back. Nicole's longs legs swung up before coming back down to the ground. Shannon dived right on top of Nicole, clawing and punching Nicole upper body. After Natalie got up she started kicking Nicole in her back, legs, and her head area. Nicole was strong and threw Shannon off of her, as Shannon landed on her back three feet away. Nicole quickly got on her knees, but not until Natalie got on Nicole's back, strangling her with a choke hold. Nicole used her hands to grab a handful of Natalie's black hair, and started pulling hard. The pain was to much for Natalie as she let go of the choke hold as Nicole threw Natalie by her hair onto the ground. Shannon was also on her knees and delivered a right fisted punch right into Nicole's face. That shot didn't faze Nicole that much as she delivered a right fisted punch of her own. Shannon ducked underneath that punch, but delivered a right fisted punch right into Nicole's already sore crotch. Nicole grunted out loud as she placed her hands on her privates as she slouched forward. Natalie kicked Nicole's back as Nicole lunged at Shannon. Shannon and Nicole were on the ground struggling to gain the upper hand as Natalie tried to kick Nicole. Both Shannon and Nicole were holding and pulling each other's hair, but Shannon was the one who found a knee into the other's crotch. Nicole was really strong and kept on fighting, even with the pain. Natalie grabbed Nicole's hair and started pulling herself. Shannon found her right knee into Nicole's long legs again as the much taller woman felt it as her grip on Shannon's hair became weaker. Shannon delivered one last knee blow between Nicole's long legs as the stronger woman grunted and placed her left hand on her bruised crotch. Natalie was already on the ground as she placed her thighs around Nicole's neck from above and squeezed. Nicole struggled as she laid on her side, holding her crotch with her left hand, and trying to get out from Natalie's scissors grip by using her right hand. Natalie's scissor grip was strong enough that Nicole couldn't pry the smaller girl's legs apart as the taller stronger woman got weaker and weaker. Shannon squeezed the much taller woman's breasts with her hands before turning around and sliding her right hand down the taller woman's pants and between her legs. Nicole yelled as Shannon scratched and squeezed Nicole's womanly parts as those long legs of Nicole's stomped on the ground floor from the pain. Nicole was helpless as the tiny girls was weakening their stronger taller foe. Both Natalie and Shannon continued this assault till the bigger woman passed out from Natalie's thigh strangulation. Natalie let go of her scissor hold as Shannon let out her frustration on the bigger woman as she straddled Nicole's waist and punch Nicole in the face continuously till Natalie threw herself onto her friend, letting her know it's all over. Shannon held her best friend for several minutes before getting up. They both walked back and got their friend Jessica and walked three hours to the main camp site. They let the authorities know about the incident. Jessica received medical attention and she was fine in a couple of days. The park rangers explained to Natalie and Shannon that there were two unexplained murders in the past weeks involving body mutilation and performed on young girls. The perpetrators abducted the two young girls at night and were found dead days later near different streams. Now the park rangers know it has to be three tall, blonde, white late twenty's women. The park rangers, state police, and the sheriff's department went back to the site, in less than 30 minutes, where the little girls said they left the tall women, but when they got there, all three were gone. Yes all three got away, and the murderers of two teenage girls will still go unpunished. Shannon and Natalie gave the descriptions on the three women to the police before packing and leaving back to North Carolina. Shannon, Natalie, and Jessica are going on with their lives, but Shannon and Natalie won't forget this incident for the rest of their lives. I'm sure Tracy, Sylvia, and Nicole won't forgot the two tiny girls that beat them up. One day, the three tall blondes will get captured once they get sloppy again.