Universal Castration by Ian Clifford It has been proposed, primarily by Women, that universal castration of males would benefit society and Womankind to the extreme. The basics of the proposal is that all males, shortly after puberty, be permitted to make a sperm donation to the sperm bank ( for continuation of the species ), and then be routinely castrated. Testosterone as supplied in excessive amounts by the testicles has been linked to aggressive behaviour, rape and family violence. There is sufficient production of testosterone in the male body without testicles. Sociologists predict that the benefits to mankind would be less aggressive tendencies and behaviour, less wars and armed conflict, much less rape and much lower incidence of family violence. It's a small price to pay for such benefits to society. If Females were in charge, this could become an option, but in male dominated society, it can never become the rule. Two questions come out of this analysis and both can be handled satisfactorily. First is the question of the continuation of the species. This would be taken care of by the donations made to the sperm bank. Women would be impregnated by artificial insemination which allows the woman to be the sole decision maker in the process. There would be no more mistakes or unwanted pregnancies. The other problem is sexual satisfaction. The eunuchs would have little interest in sexual satisfaction. As for Women, anyone in the know understands that the average woman cares less about a man's penis. They find oral satisfaction much more enjoyable. The male population would be trained in oral service. All in all, once you think about it without any prejudices, the idea sounds appealing. Additionally, the castrations should be done by Females. I have never heard of a Woman performing a castration who did not orgasm greatly.