Turnabout by Mardee Louise Prynne A girl in rural Appalachia escapes a life of abuse by joining The Marine Corps. After her enlistment she heads to New York and a new life as Janis. A would be mugger is overcome and thrown out onto the street where he begins a new life as Allie. The two meet by chance. Allie destroys an assailant. Janis smugly listened to her heels tap on the sidewalk. A comfortable meal alone while reflecting on the job she found so soon after arriving in New York. The short walk to her apartment in Chelsea on a lovely spring evening added to her euphoria. It had been a long and difficult journey, one well worth the planning & effort. She felt sullied by even the recall of the filthy man who was her father. He had killed her mother with overwork & abuse. Janis, although that wasn't her name then, swore she would not be servant and whore to him and his sons by previous marriages. She connived to finish high school. In the spring of her senior year she walked into the post office at the county seat and sought out the recruiters. She decided on the Marine Corps. Less competition for the goals she had set. Most who joined the Marines did so for adventure. Janis had a more practical, more long range agenda. Learn secretarial skills. Get posted to headquarters Marine Corps at Eighth & I. Learn word processing programs, learn publishing programs. Sell those skills to private industry on discharge. So she did. She learned grooming. She networked through senior officers, met lobbyists and members of Congress. She learned which wines went with which foods. Janis left the Corps a rather sophisticated, bright, competent young lady. She dressed well off duty. At five six and a perfect size six she learned how to dress tastefully yet seductively. She learned which shoe styles set off her superb ankles and athletically firm calves. Janis studiously avoided involvement but that wasn't difficult. The resentment toward her father and her half-brothers prevented her form taking a lover. She never responded to women and felt normal sexual urges. Janis could never "give" herself over to a man. Not in any ordinary relationship. She hoped that might change. Perhaps even therapy. Her mood had a tinge of anger and resentment by the time she entered the hall of the walkup. AS she approached her landing she heard footsteps moving down from above...yet she had not heard a door close. Perhaps someone had forgotten their key and was waiting for a neighbor or apartment mate. Suddenly a painfully thin man confronted her! The anger and fury at her father found release. She shot her heel against his shin and ground it into his instep. Her hand caught the back of his head and slammed his face against the door post. He was stunned. Janis opened the door and shoved him in. Her would be attacker showed signs of recovering. Her knee found his groin even as her fingernails caught his face. Janis stood over her fallen foe as he lay panting in a fetal position. She knelt on one knee and grasped his windpipe in her hand. She noticed the terrified eyes. She smiled at the pretty blue-green color, gloated in satisfaction at the terror they expressed. The strawberry blond hair, the slender build, the delicate hands suggested he was not experienced in mayhem and assault. She demanded his name. "Allyn but it's spelled..." was all he could whisper before Janis slapped his face. Her free hand undid his fly and yanked his trousers down. Her nails rested on the tender skin of his genitals. She smiled provocatively as she squeezed. He whimpered. Begging, he swore he did not want to hurt her. He only wanted her purse for the money. He needed the money to survive. He had arrived in New York only that morning. He was fleeing a horrible home situation. He was panicked at the thought of spending the night on the streets or... "excuse me if I'm skeptical." She dropped all her weight on one knee into the pit of his stomach. As her victim lay gasping Janis went to the kitchen for a pair of shears. Allyn's eyes widened in terror as she cut away his clothing. Janis was beginning to enjoy this as a game. She wondered how far to take it. Her rage was directed at her past and not simply at this wretch who lay whimpering at her feet. Janis felt her heart beat rapidly as she tore away what was left of his shirt. Allyn had breasts! Small but pronounced breasts! From the waist up he could be a female! Tears filled Allyn's eyes as he realized Janis was staring awestruck at his body. "I was never a boyish child. My mother liked that and treated me a sissy. But when my breasts began to erupt they decided I was a demon child. It was horrible..." Janis felt empathy for what he must have endured. Still... she would not relent from further humiliating her would be assailant. His girl-like body inspired her. She dragged him by his hair to the bedroom. "Put them on, and now," she ordered as she flung a pair of panties at his crotch. He slipped them on. Janis felt a strange glow as he stood up. She pulled him to his feet. Her face grew warm as she stared at him. The outline of his cock through the flimsy cotton hip-huggers contrasted with his small firm breasts. She scanned him from head to toe. No shadow of a beard. Hardly a hint of body hair except for that which formed a shadow through the filmy cotton panties. Her pulse quickened. Janis audibly drew a breath. A scoop neck tee was next. No bra. Why waste one on him? Cut off shorts she no longer wanted. She combed his hair into a femme style. "My God!!!! He's not bad at all as a girl!" His tennis shoes would be unisex enough. Janis shoved Allyn out the door. She watched him leave the building. At that moment she realized her panties were very, very wet! Janis opened the window and undressed slowly. She lay back on the bed in fresh panties. Janis sipped a glass of wine as her fingers explored her breasts, her thighs, her crotch. She visualized Allyn. Her body quivered, she moaned gently! Allyn walked close to the buildings staying in the shadows. He drew no notice from passersby. He was startled by his reflection in a shop window! He was no longer a poorly cut out male but a slender boyishly attractive young woman! Allyn was desperate for money for food. Passing the entrance of a coffee house, he almost collided with a couple leaving and heading for a cab. "Please, if you can spare something...I'm so hungry." They handed him two singles. A figure emerged from the door of the coffee house. Allyn thought he was about to be chased or beaten for disturbing the customers. "Miss, if you really need some money I need a girl to bus tables for the night..." A sigh of relief escaped Allyn's lips. "Off the books. Share of tips and a meal at the end," said the handsome, rather arty looking older woman. Allyn smiled. "Your name?" the older woman asked. Allyn caught himself and said "Allie." A few hours later Allie sat with the staff. She told her tale but with a great deal of editing. No one realized Allie was anything but a slender, boyishly attractive woman. "You work well. You move so gracefully. I need a waitress." Allie assented. "I have no decent clothing...no place to stay." Allie was allowed to sleep in the small apartment above the cafe until she had a place of her own. The mistress would advance her the funds for a small wardrobe. The money would later be taken out of Allie's salary assuring she would remain on staff for several months at least. ALLYN'S NARRATIVE I went to the coin locker at Grand Central where I had left my things. I put my wallet, my toilet case, some photos and other mementos in my shoulder bag and threw my other things in the trash. I headed for a department store and bought some Hanes Her Way panties...cotton...white and pastels. I bought an a line denim skirt and blouse, some scoop neck tees, a wrap around flower print long skirt. I got some sandals and plain sneakers. I realized I needed a robe because others might see that I'm not what I appear to be. It was a powder blue silk wrap kimono sort of thing. Knee length. The rest of my clothes could wait. I cleared tables, learned to do coffees and pastries at the counter. I loved it! The afternoons and evenings flew. I overheard comments on my appearance. "Natural good looks. Can't stand those nature girl outdoorsy types...No makeup, no jewelry. Affected little bitch!" Some of the customers were sooo catty. I loved the catty comments because I knew I was passing as a girl. Other ladies and lots of guys liked my looks and tipped generously. I quickly settled in. My wardrobe grew. More flowing skirts. Pantyhose in colors and textures. Earrings when I had my ears pierced. I learned to do my nails and show off my hands with rings. In a few months I had become an arty looking yet outdoorsy girl who fit into the area. My days off were spent in museums. I was determined to experience the culture that my benighted family and insular community denied me. My first night in New York had brought me to my new life as Allie but it made me realize how unable I was care for myself physically. I went to gym to strengthen myself and started a modern dance class to build stamina. Passing as a girl in a leotard was a feat but I'm sure no one "read" me. If they did, they kept it to themselves. I decided when I became strong enough I would learn some form of self-defense. PUZZLING! A few weeks after the would be mugging Janis sat down in the cafe for the first time. Watching a uniquely attractive waitress, Janis suddenly felt a wave of anxiety seep through her. She could not possibly know the young woman yet she felt sure they had met. Nor could she fathom why this apparent familiarity was so unsettling. The gracefully flowing skirt above slender ankles and feet in sandals revealed toe nails polished to match her finger nails and lipstick. Janis was sorry that the lovely creature would not be her waitress. Janis's eyes met the waitress's. A warm smile crossed the waitress's lips. Janis responded with an awkward grin. Maddening. The girl seemed to recognize her. Janis decided she would come back to the cafe until she could place the girl. No, that was so adolescent. She probably had seen me around the neighborhood. Yet New Yorkers simply do not smile at people they see around. Puzzling. That weekend Janis returned to the cafe hoping to spot that waitress. The girl was there! It was the same one yet she looked so different. Her hair was combed in a short page boy style. She wore a short denim skirt and a blue oxford cloth man tailored blouse. Knee socks and penny loafers gave her school girl look that was completely unaffected. She smiled when she saw Janis. That same disconcerting sense of recognition overcame Janis. Janis took the menu without looking up. "I'm Allie. Let me know if we can accommodate you in any way. The light sandwiches are really great." It was she! Janis studied her but still couldn't place her. Damn, so annoying! Janis spoke to Allie on her next visit to the cafe. "I'm sure we've met but I can't place you." "I might have been a totally different person," responded Allie tilting her head. "You seem to be a different person almost every time I'm in here. You change your hair, your jewelry, your clothing styles and you become someone new." "But I'm always Allie." She twirled like a child showing off her Easter finery. A demure white blouse carelessly unbuttoned to reveal a glimpse of white lace. A loose fitting, black, short skirt over shiny black pantyhose with highly polished black combat style boots. Her hair was pulled back in a loose pony tail. "I get off soon. Let's go for a drink." The two young women walked up sixth avenue toward twenty-third street. A man ran from the shadows, grabbed Allie's purse and tried to run. Allie locked his arm upward and sent him sprawling on the pavement while holding the wrist and arm lock she had so deftly applied. The purse snatcher moaned as Allie applied pressure. "I really should break it off!" She eased the pressure but suddenly doubled it causing the purse snatcher to scream. "When I let you go you will get up very slowly." The man tried to charge at Allie who side stepped and brought her knee into his crotch. Doubled over, he fell to the ground. Allie grabbed his ears and pulled him to his feet. She smashed her knee into his face. The man fell to his knees and covered his bleeding nose with his hands. The polished combat boots kicked his ribs. It was over so very quickly. A police car pulled up. The two ladies walked off leaving the two police officers laughing at the mayhem Allie had committed. RECOGNITION! Janis realized she had put her arm through Allie's as they strolled toward nowhere in particular. She was impressed at how easily the slender, exotic girl from the cafe had disposed of the mugger. Janis realized with some discomfort that Allie's arm was around her waist. What was most disconcerting was that she liked it. Her panties were getting wet as she visualized Allie deftly beating that bastard! Without thinking the two friends stopped, turned face to face and spoke softly. "Allie, you do things to me that no one has ever done." She said nothing else because Allie had covered her mouth with her finger tips. A few minutes later they were in Jan's apartment. Janis slipped into the bedroom and changed her panties. "Good I wore thigh highs," she giggled to herself. Allie had poured two glasses of single malt while Janis changed her panties. She stood in front of Allie as the taller girl rose to hand her drink. They eyed each other briefly and then kissed, a deep, slow, exploratory kiss that went on too long yet not long enough. "Allie, no. This has never happened to me. It shouldn't feel this way but it feels so right. I'm..." She felt Allie's arms around her as their lips brushed lightly. Allie unzipped Jan's skirt which fell to the floor. "So beautiful" Allie looked adoringly at Janis as she ran her eyes over the body. Janis offered no resistance as the taller girl tugged her sweater over her head. Janis tugged Allie's jumper off her shoulders. To her dismay her friend was wearing control briefs! "You don't need a briefer. You have such a lovely slender body" "Oh but I do. You'll see" There was teasing laughing ring to Allie's voice. Allie drew Janis to her as she placed her hand over Janis's mound. "My panties are soaked and I just changed them," protested Janis. Allie's finger was inside Janis. She could stand it no longer. Janis pushed Allie to the floor and began to suck her nipples through her bra. Allie sat up and unhooked her bra even as Janis pulled it way. The firm, tiny perfectly formed breasts triggered the recognition. "You," laughed Janis as he tugged Allie's control panty down over her hips. Allie's cock sprang free just in time for Janis to envelop the head. Allie's tongue was deep in Janis as this very unusual couple dissolved in the first of many nights of ecstasy. Mardee Louise