Some money for tuition By Icecoldalphaman Aniko meets Leslie in a no holds barred cage match Some money for tuition, that's all it was about for Aniko, a 22-year-old student at the university. She had come over from Japan to study economics using a scholarship that she had been awarded. The scholarship covered her schooling but left little for expenses. Although she worked a job at the local fitness center she was intrigued by a flyer on the community bulletin board looking for female athletes with martial arts, boxing or wrestling experience. Aniko called the number and agreed to meet with the man on the phone for lunch. Aniko's meeting went well. The man explained that he arranged fights for a group of spectators around town. The fighters never know who they will fight until their names are drawn from a bowl. The fights go on until one fighter is knocked out or unable to continue. Aniko was at first nervous at all of this but she quickly began to feel better when the man mentioned that each fighter would receive $2,500 to participate with an extra $2,500 going to the winner. Aniko thanked the man for lunch and the information and went back home. In her apartment Aniko ate some Ramen noodles and quietly thought to herself about what the man had said. She was no stranger to physical confrontation, as she was a black belt in jiu jitsu, and had placed well in many tournaments back home. However, these were controlled and she did not know how she would fare in all out combat. Still, she was tired of being broke and $2,500 would cover 5 months of rent and some new clothes. Aniko called the man back and asked if she could participate in a fight the next month. She figured this would give her time to get in some practice. She already worked out at the gym where she was employed, but needed to brush up on her skills. The man agreed and set a date for a month away. During that time Aniko quickly found her groove. She worked on her strength training and flexibility. She often sparred with Steve, an instructor at the gym, and he helped her improve upon some ground fighting techniques that she would sure to need. She didn't let on to Steve why she wanted to practice just good exercise he figured. The night of the fight came quickly. Aniko showed up at the location at the appointed time. It was an old supermarket long since shut down and dark. Aniko made her way to the rear of the building and was let in by a large man at the door. The building was cool but as she walked further inside she could hear yelling and screaming and cheering and the faint sounds of punches being thrown. Her heart began to race as she went toward the light. As she came around a wall she saw two sets of risers with about 100 people on them, some seated some jumping up and down yelling. In the middle was a squared cage made of chain link fencing surrounding a slightly raised floor with some padding. In the middle of the cage were two huge men pummeling each other without mercy. Blood was everywhere as grunts were heard and punches thrown. Aniko turned to leave when she ran right into the man. "Your not leaving already are you?" he said. Aniko was struck with fear when he explained that she wasn't here to fight men "unless you want to" he chuckled, but rather, there were women that fought here also and that is who you will be paired against. Aniko felt a bit easier but was still scared. The fight ended with one of the large men tapping out after being put into a vicious boston crab hold. The crowd grew silent as refreshments were served and the cage cleaned for the next fight. The man walked into the middle of the cage with an assistant carrying a silver bowl. He announced that the next fight would be a female fight and with that he drew a name. "Standing 5 feet 5 inches and weighing in at 120 pounds AAANNNIIIKO" Aniko looked up stunned to hear her name and proceeded to the cage. "Her opponent standing 5 feet 10 inches and weighing 168 pounds LEEESSSSLIE" Leslie walked to the cage and unzipped her blue warm-up jacket revealing a large body, not muscular but firm with a few bruises. She has dishwater blonde hair and was wearing a one-piece black leotard outfit with leather boots. Aniko took off her Adiddas sweat suit and began to flex her body while wearing a gray sports bra holding her small 32c breasts and gray shorts. She was barefoot except for ankle braces. Her black hair was tied back tightly into a ponytail. Both women listened to the instructions given that there would be no biting and no hits to the throat. If a fighter could not go on they must say the phrase "I SUBMIT" no other phrase would be honored. Both women went back to their corners as Aniko began placing high kicks into the air followed by machine gun style punches. Leslie continued to stretch. BEGIN!.... Aniko figured her only way of doing damage was to get in quick shots and then get away quickly. She rushed at Leslie and let go three kicks to the outside of Leslie's right thigh. WHACK WHACK WHACK the sound of her foot striking Leslie's thigh echoed across the room. Both fighters circled each other as Aniko came in for another attack...she let go another kick that Leslie captured in her arm. Leslie pulled the smaller girl toward her and sent the heel of her palm straight into Aniko's nose...SMASH. Tears filled Aniko's eyes and a crunch was heard...blood began to flow from her nose into her mouth and down her chest. Aniko struggled to get free but Leslie immediately dropped to her knee bringing Aniko down with her. Aniko tried to kick Leslie with her free leg but Leslie blocked it with her left arm. Quickly, Leslie flipped Aniko onto her stomach and brought her elbow straight into Aniko's spine. Aniko screamed in pain...a pain she had never felt was horrible. Before she could think she felt her leg go free as Leslie grabbed her right arm. Placing her knee into Aniko's shoulder, Leslie brought Aniko's arm up and then twisted it around. A great snapping sound was heard as Aniko's arm broke in two. Aniko screamed in panic and terror and excruciating pain. Leslie got up off of the mat and pulled Aniko up by her ponytail. Aniko's face was a mixture of sweat, blood, and spasming muscle from the shear amount of pain she was in. Gripping Aniko's ponytail tightly, Leslie began to punch Aniko in the face and temple. With each punch Aniko's head snapped back...her right arm dangling by her side. The crowd was going only two minutes the smaller Aniko had been totally destroyed by the larger Leslie. Aniko spit blood and grabbed for Leslie's arm with her left hand. Leslie slapped it away, as she snap marred Aniko to the mat using her ponytail. Aniko's body hit the mat with a THUD. Aniko laid there, right arm broken, blood pouring from her nose and lips, tears filling her eyes...she could not think clearly as Leslie knelt beside her placing her knee on the side of Aniko's throat. Leslie gripped Aniko's left arm and pressed her knee against Aniko's carotid artery...slowing the blood flow to Aniko's head. In a matter of seconds all that could be heard was a slight gurgling sound as Aniko's eyes shut and she fell into a black hole of unconsciousness. Leslie let go of her arm and it dropped like a leaden weight to the floor. Standing up over her opponent Leslie thrust her arm into the air to the delight of the crowd. Leslie didn't make much on the side bets as she was a heavy favorite, but it didn't matter to her...$5000 was still good money. Some attendants carried Aniko out of the ring and into the back. She was later taken to the hospital for treatment. Waking later she realized that setting her arm and repairing her nose along with a hospital stay would put her into more debt than the $2500 she made for getting pummeled.