Sandra, part 4 Sandra was glad that the Earth was protected against the occupants of other galaxies. Of the thousands of intelligent space travellers she saw, the majority had mastered the reaches of their galaxies in order to conquer other worlds they could then plunder and colonise. The manner of life seemed pretty constant, but she was delighted by the presence of other humanoids in many places. Sandra didn't worry about easing off her power, finding the euphoria that accompanied the bursting energy most agreeable. Careful not to talk, Sandra found it was fun to just get in there and play. Flashing into a galaxy far larger than Earth's Milky Way, a new galaxy for her to play in where she had been pleasantly surprised to find a very intelligent race of people that reminded her greatly of the Empire in Star Wars. They had infected two thirds of the galaxy, and were before her eyes gaining more 'ground'. Feeling like the supreme Jedi Master, she found a raging battle and started waving her hands around to crumple the huge battleships like paper cups. Chasing fighter craft around it was easy to match and outmanoeuvre the cumbersome star-fighters. They were terribly slow compared to her effortless speeds. Swatting a few into fireballs with her open palm she enjoyed herself immensely. The pilots tried all sorts of things to shake her as she came up behind them and accelerated straight through the strange metal ships. They exploded as she used herself as a missile for a while, going faster each second, so fast that she wiped out the first wave of enemies before anyone got word out to the next fleet. The fighters she had been helping were fleeing her in horror, not aware that she had been on their side. She let them go and sought the next battle. In the blink of her eye she was in the middle of a great confrontation above a huge minefield. The enemy mines protected several mother ships that contained some very senior members of the Imperial staff. Sandra hovered over to one of the mines, which was four times her size and packed with deadly explosives. She gave it a flick with her finger at it vaporized before the explosives gases could react. Then next one she head-butted gently, having it blow up for her right before her eyes. Wanting them to see her, Sandra made all their monitor screens show her flying through the mines letting the explosions wash over her near naked body. Then she stopped and winked into the camera. The next thing the aliens knew, their protective minefield was closing in around them. Sandra came to stop and smiled at them through their monitors. Waving goodbye as she smashed the armed mines up against the ships they had been protecting with her mental influence. The field created a devastating explosion that left little of the monstrous vessels behind. Turning her attention to the fighter craft and other big battle cruisers she pointed her finger at the larger ones one by one and cocked her thumb. They exploded as she blasted them through their fuel systems to mix the concoction of gases, her imaginary projectiles tearing out the far side of the vessels. Reaching out her hands flying about smashing through the pathetically fragile super-dense alloys like rice paper, Sandra flew about destroying ship after ship before releasing a tremendous wave of energy by giggling a little that tore apart all the fighters and violently shook the remaining battle cruisers. Sandra hovered in place, and beckoned at one of the ships. The vessel's mass fell under her control, and even as they fired up stabilisers and thrusters at full they only stressed their hull integrity to near breaking point as she continued to call them closer, careful not crush the huge ship. Invading their delicate minds, Sandra extracted their knowledge came to understand their language. "I am Sandra of Earth," she gently whispered in their oddly shaped heads, "You have violated the moral laws of my Universe and shall be destroyed." The ship started to spin, turning faster and faster on its axis, Sandra's finger turning as she directed the movement. Soon the ship span so fast that the occupants were crushed against the walls, and moments later the ship tore itself apart and chunks flew off in all directions to form a wheel of debris. She allowed a few pieces to hit her, the impact shattering them to molecules. The last four ships all fired up their star-drives and prepared to escape, Sandra flashed to the front of one and carefully placed her hands on the hull. A trio of ships jumped to hyper-speed, one remained right where Sandra held it. For a microsecond the ship shuddered and the hull under her hands buckled slowly, but then the engines really kicked in and the ship finally moved forward. Only to destroy itself in ball of of fire, breaking up into pieces and exposing the occupants to the instant death offered by the vacuum of space. Smiling, she flew clear of the debris and gave chase to the last three battle cruisers. They had passed into light speed, but Sandra caught them in under a second to match speed alongside the first one. "Going somewhere?" she whispered, as they opened fire with lasers and torpedoes. Sandra bathed in the gentle glow of their impotent attempt to destroy their attacker. "There is no escape." She turned their weapons against them, bended light to send their laser beams into their own hull. Allowing the torpedoes to maintain their pleasant massage of her body, she looked at the path ahead. Spotting a comet the size of her home planet, Sandra took control of it and guided it at the ship. Filling her vision as she accelerated its speed to quicken things up a bit, the comet impacted and two ships were obliterated. Sandra darted clear to avoid destroying the comet, and looked about for the ship. She listened with her mind, and found them cowering in a nearby nebula. "No where to hide, fools," She breathed into their heads, homing in their hiding place. She waved her hand and the nebula that covered them was swept away by a cosmic wind. "How's it feel to be attacked by forces you can't defeat?" She activated all their weapons, even the guns at the back of the ship. Making sure every single laser beam and torpedo found its target she controlled their course and enjoyed the sensation of the explosions, and the gentle heat of the laser blasts. The ship ran dry of energy, and Sandra stood on nothing in cold space feeling very aroused. Her body needed release, an orgasm impending. She knew that her old boyfriend would never be able to help her again, and this galaxy was devoid of any creature that she would allow inside her. So taking matters into her own hands she started massaging herself. Getting an idea, she let arms float out beside her and shut her eyes to use her imagination. With her mind, she reached and out slowly crushed the spaceship. She crushed it down and reshaped until it looked like her boyfriend, though she changed the face a bit. Experimenting, she made the super-condensed alloy move like her old boyfriend had moved, a smile forming as she made the perfect scale model run around her. She gave her sculpture an erection that she had always wished her would-have-been husband had possessed. She imagined it really was her boyfriend and made it get into a suitable position. Mounting up she used the metal to relieve the enormous sexual tension that had been building within her body. As she moaned the systems around her quivered, and Sandra's thoughts turned to the empire she had been battling. Smiling and continuing to use her super-condensed love-toy, her consciousness swept through the galaxy, and every ship that she detected with Imperial forces inside was teleported instantly to her location. Careful as she was, there was still a lot of explosions as the ships appeared before her. Like the lights of a city coming back on after a blackout, the fleet of the galaxy conquering Empire materialized to encompass her in a huge sphere, their monitors filled with the image of Sandra and her silvery friend. Accessing a few hundred of their brains in a microsecond survey, Sandra discerned the bizarre and revolting way that these creatures made love. Her hands roamed her body, her juices flowing. Getting an idea on how to protect the galaxy from certain destruction, hocked up a decent green-one and spat it through a hundred thousand hull to make a string of explosions. "You're all going to die in a few minutes," she whispered to them, hurting their heads. "Aren't you going to do something?" As she spoke she used her mind to stretch the molecules of her spit-ball into a massive blanket of indestructible character that then wrapped itself neatly into a perfect sphere around the entire might of the Empire. Ships attempting escape were destroyed against a layer of atoms so thin that their sensors didn't detect them. Then Sandra allowed herself to climax, her eyes rolling back in her head. The pleasure that rocked her body destroyed everything within her little bubble, which from the outside now looked like a star. Within the flaming ball Sandra bathed in the gentle warmth and had several more orgasms, before passing out. When she fell asleep, her influence the condensed man was gone and the molecules flew apart in an explosion that would have destroyed many star systems. Leaving that galaxy a few hours later Sandra felt indescribably powerful. But wanting a bit of company she sought out the Milky Way and headed back toward Earth. Once in the temperate climate of the star heated galaxy, Sandra blasted from the void and pulled up over the rings of Saturn. Knowing that if she went to Earth fully amped that could mean the destruction of her beautiful homeworld, so Sandra made a massive reduction in her power. Entering the atmosphere slowly, she went straight for Australia and her hometown. Touching down in a paddock outside town, Sandra blinked to change her outfit into something more civilised. She had thought something odd when first arriving, then she remembered that she travelled beyond the speed of time earlier and was now back in the sixties. Kicking off again to avoid seeing her parents making out somewhere, Sandra went out into a much more sparsely populated world than the one she had left. Sandra found herself drawn to the conflict in Vietnam, and finished her third loop around the globe to touch down in a jungle hotspot. It was night, and the rain was pounding the forest. All around her flashes of gunfire blinked as machine guns made short bursts, every now and then a hand grenade exploded. Men called out to their comrades, commands and cries of pain filled the air. Looking through the dense jungle with eyes that could pierce the depth of the universe, Sandra picked out several thousand American troops that struggled to hold their ground in enemy territory. Around her, moving up through the cover of darkness, she was surprised by the horde of Viet Cong, mostly armed with old weapons, that opposed the Americans. Sandra picked on of them, and flashed instantly to stand on a foot of air behind him as he snuck up. Reaching down, she took his pack and used it as a handle. Hoisting him she leap to twelve thousand feet while he struggled and panicked as he tried to understand what was going on. He started babbling something, and as she accessed his mind and gained native-level understanding of his language she understood his string of curses. Dropping his useless body into the ocean, Sandra wet back to the jungle and found the commanding officer of the Vietnamese. He was moving around at the rear of t his troops, keeping an eye on the battle. She landed in front of him, smiling. "Hello there," she introduced herself in his language. "I'm Sandra." He looked at her with wild eyes, the group of men around him moving in to arrest her. She lifted the first two in her hands and shattered them against trees. The rest of her attackers didn't last two seconds as she punched and kicked them to pieces. Arms and legs flew as they exploded one by one. "Now for you..." The leader had already started to run, but as he looked over his shoulder he ran straight into her. She had flown over his head and landed in front of him with her left hand ready to grab him, and now she hovered above the treetops with the pathetic worm dangling in her intensely powerful grip. "You're going to tell me everything you know, little man." She raided his subconscious, and brutally ripped from him his tactical knowledge before giving her wrist a flick to send him sailing out over the pacific. Now knowing the extent of the attacking forces, Sandra also knew how they had been deployed. She knew many other interesting things but now they didn't seem important. She darted into the jungle again and flew about swatting the bad guys into vapour. Finding the demolition squad, Sandra stopped and landed in amongst them. "You guys want blow something up?" she asked them, ignoring several bullets. "Try me on for size." She made them get their charges out and surround her, then she detonated them all herself. The explosion was quite spectacular, and ball of flame impressive. Getting an idea, Sandra lifted off from the horrific remnants of the demolition squad that was scattered over the ground, and found a spot above the scene where she could see everything. Concentrating carefully, she detonated the grenades in the pockets of the Vietnamese soldiers. Over half of the Viet-Cong forces perished, and she left the scene to allow the American troops the task of cleaning up the rest. Thinking about those movies she had seen about time travel, Sandra decided that she better not interfere with the past too much. Heading straight up she took to the stars and began boosting her powers back up to full, braking into light speed and still accelerating hard. Tearing out of the galaxy at full strength she hardly noticed as she pierced the snap-frozen barrier of the void and powered on to triple her speed every microsecond. There was flash as the she entered the wormhole that she briefly travelled though earlier and Sandra stayed there for a moment studying its beauty. The way the walls moved it was as though they were made of water, only the colour and glow was very different. Careful not to touch the wall, Sandra stopped dead. The tunnel exploded in a brilliant flash, and she was back in the normal physical realm of the void. "Oh-Oh." She looked around at made a speedy calculation. The galaxies had moved, and judging from her mental chart she had stayed in the tunnel for far too long. Three hundred and twenty seven years, four days, three hours and seven point two-three minutes had passed behind her in the wormhole. She had jumped into the future much too far. "Oh well. I wonder what Earth's like now?" She clicked her fingers and hovered outside the Milky Way. Entering, she diminished her bursting energy and flashed through the galaxy back toward her home world. Approaching, Sandra found herself in a very different solar system. She could see large ship moving between the planets, and as she looked around she noticed over larger vessels moving slowly through the galaxy. The names on the hull were all written several times in different languages. Names like the Christopher Columbus, Explorer Three, and Marco Polo revealed their intentions and Sandra felt a little pride in humanity. It seemed things were progressing well. Heading into the solar system and being careful to avoid the ships, Sandra went straight for Earth. She had just about forgotten about her dead boyfriend now, the rush of becoming so powerful after going through such a trauma had made her a little colder in the heart than she had been before, and changed her view of men forever. Flying briefly over her bustling home country, she was pleased to see her old hometown had grown into a fairly large city now, but noted sadly that so had most of the small towns. Mankind had sprawled out over the land even more than she had thought possible. Wanting to catch up on with the rest of human progress, Sandra headed to America. Flying at a thousand feet at speeds upward of mach 9, Sandra hit the Californian coast, and slowed to fly over Los Angeles. Marvelling at the home of Hollywood she marked it as a place for a future visit and headed for her destination of LasVagas Before getting all the way she stopped to get herself some money. If she wanted to gamble, she would need it. It wouldn't be fun otherwise. Studying a few of the natives, she got a rough idea of current fashion and adopted a new dress and even added a pair of shoes. Landing outside the first bank she then saw, Sandra was greeted by two huge men wearing uniforms and brandishing stun-wands. "Hold it there, miss. Where's your card?" "Excuse me?" Sandra demanded Just as sternly. "Your identification card, girl. Where is it?" He tapped her on the chest. Looking about Sandra noticed that everyone, even the guard at the door of the bank, had cards over their hearts. They were a variety of colors, and had names clearly printed on them beneath a barcode. "I don't have one. I've been traveling." She moved to enter the bank. "Hold it right there..." The security guy grabbed her arm, but she continued to move regardless of his efforts. He was nearly pulled of his feet, his partner having little luck himself. Stopping in front of the door, she crossed her arms and grabbed their hands. "Catch you guys later." Throwing them away to send them rocketing through the sky, she moved toward the smooth modern door and waited for it to open. But it was closed and she noticed no handle, only a card slot. Placing one hand on a panel, she moved forward and pushed out. The door bent, alarms sounding. Sandra stepped through the growing gap, opening the door right up and looking around inside the bank. Automated cannons opened fire as she stepped into the up-to-the-minute security corridor of the bank. They blasted away at the unconcerned young lady, the bullets bouncing about the enclosed ceramic-steel hall after their ineffective contact with her body. As she got further in another door dropped behind her. Much thicker and stronger than the last, and gas was pumped into the room. Sandra kept walking, breathing the deadly fumes. She stopped to inhale the entire contents of the room, breaking the airtight seals as the pressure dropped inside the chamber. Walking on she gestured at the cannons and they were both squashed flat against the wall. She walked straight through the steel security door, the metal exploding jaggedly outward, and stood within the main bank. The floor was cleared of people, and the enquiries and tellers booths were all closed with strong shutters. "I need a few bucks," she called out, knowing that someone must be listening. She took heavy steps, and approached the wall of tellers leaving deep impressions on the shaking floor. "Open up." Shoving her head easily through the first shutter, Sandra smiled at the lady teller cowering in the booth. The woman held a shotgun, an used it to blast Sandra's face with pellets. It turned out to be a bad move, as the teller only managed to kill herself. Sandra used her powerful piercing eyes to locate the monet drawers, and smashed her hand through the thick bench to grasp a handful of notes. Drawing molecules from the void, Sandra weaved herself a leather bag from the atoms and stuffed the cash inside. Smiling, she sent out her mighty mind and tore the cash drawers from under the long row of closed windows. The heavy safe-boxes were then torn open by her influence and as she held her bag open, the notes streamed neatly in. Then security androids, a group of ten very dangerous mechanized warriors, rushed her. As they shot and belted her impregnable body, Sandra marveled at their intricate, yet very sturdy construction. Accessing their memory banks, she learned a lot about the owners of the deadly androids. Taking two of them, she curiously smashed them together, their greater size having no advantage when they faced such power. The pair exploded quite spectacularly. Experimentaly tapping the next, she rewarded with a flash of sparks as its detached head exploded on the far wall. Hefting the next two, she tossed them at the rest so hard and fast that all were destroyed. Taking her bag, Sandra jumped into the air and accelerated through the wall of the giant vault. Touching down on the roof of a grand casino, she found and forced her way easily through a security door, locating and melting the alarm circuits with her mental powers. As she entered the building she found herself in the most beautiful construction she had ever seen. The walls were intricately painted and mirrors were everywhere. Giving herself a new outfit, the most powerful person ever to exist wandered down toward the gaming areas. "Excuse me Miss." Sandra turned to see a huge security guard. "No-one is permitted up here without an escort. Remembering the main reason she had come back, Sandra gave him a smile that melted his heart and buckled his knees. "Sorry. Can you be my escort and take me downstairs?" His head becoming clouded, he awkwardly agreed and started to lead the way. "On second thought..." mused Sandra, staring through his clothes at the security guards hard body. She was becoming aroused, and her body released her scent to work its rough magic on the poor helpless man. Suddenly his already strong attraction to this gorgeous woman became so blinding, so overwhelming, that he spun about and jumped at her to ravish her with all his considerable strength. She allowed him to, but didn't want to go too far in the hallway. SO she pushed a hand through the wall beside them, and made a fast circle with it that tore a hole in the solid construction. Taking him into the room, she lay down and spread her legs. But he was unable to do anything for her, being far too soft and jelly-like. Concentrating, she wondered if she could make him strong enough to do something for her. Testing herself out she poured some of her power into him, granting him all the raw brawn of Hercules and making his body as dense as her own. To her surprise and excitement her idea paid off, and she felt an instant improvement in his administrations. Feeling his body, she found that he felt solid now, not mushy. And then he entered her, and she moaned and responded with a movement of her hips that brought her quickly to her first orgasm. Then four followed that before even his enhanced body gave up and he passed out in her arms. She rolled him off of her and floated to feet feeling satisfied. Not wanting to leave him with that kind of strength, Sandra took back her gift and left him sleeping in the dark room, quite normal once again. Her hair smoothing out as she dressed herself, Sandra made her way downstairs and onto the main gaming floor. Every man in her line of sight stared at her as she swung her hips over to the blackjack tables. Buying a few hundred thousand in chips, she quickly lost the lot on two hands. Enjoying a roller-coaster of luck and losses, she came out a little in the red to move over to the roulette, where she noticed something strange. Every time the man gave the wheel a spin Sandra sensed an almost imperceptible vibration in the wheel's movement. Three goes in she realized what the nagging sensation was all about. The management here at this casino didn't play by the rules. Even though the odds were already in their favor, the greedy decision makers had installed gadgets to ensure the outcome of every spin. Sandra sat back for a few turns of the wheel and studied how a small device under the table was influencing the balls movement. Placing her whole pile of chips on the double zero, Sandra decided that she could cheat more easily than they could. The dude with funny hat span the wheel and sent the ball into play. Sandra overrode the magnetic device and took control of the ball herself, careful to make things look normal she brought the wheel to slow halt with the ball already resting on the double zeros. "I win!" she cried, though here had been no luck involved. The pit boss approached and stood behind his employee. Reluctantly he ordered the payment of the indisputable win. Another man, dressed in a flashing suit of a material Sandra had never seen before, came out of nowhere to stand right beside her. "I'll let it go, because I have no idea how did you that," he whispered in her ear, speaking quickly but quietly so no one else would hear. "But don't play the roulette anymore, understand?" He made to leave, but Sandra stopped him. "Hang about handsome," she told him, her casual hand holding him in a painful grip. "I want you to watch this." She placed her rather large pile of winnings on the single zero, and looked the well-dressed thug in the eye. The wheel was spun as people complained the hesitant action. Sandra was much more careful this time, and there was no indication that the ball was moving against a magnetic field as it ended up sitting in the winning spot. "You're going to regret that." The pit boss ordered the payment be made. "No I won't." she let him go, and he walked away. Not wanting to gamble anymore in a cheating establishment, Sandra made her way outside carrying her bag. Now stuffed with cash , even though she had made it grow larger, it was a little bulky. About three steps outside she was surrounded by a gang of young hooligans, all bearing bats and two of them grasping odd looking guns. "You guys should find better things to do." "Shut up!" one of them snapped, stepping up and nearly breaking his wrist as tried to knock her out with swift blow. But she stood there, and he his bent pipe in astonishment. Not wasting any time, the others quickly made a concerted effort. Working her over, they grew frustrated as she enjoyed the massage. But they grew tired and stepped back from the sensual woman to allow the gunmen to apply their technique. The bullets glanced off, each one taking a different angle. "Enough." Sandra held up her hands and the guns flew to her grasp. She crushed them, and watched the terrified men run from her. Hoisting her bag over her shoulder, she flew along and pushed them into the ground one by one so hard that most died. The last one was stopped with her hand on his shoulder as she landed behind him and halted him so easily it made her giggle. She lifted him off his feet and and threw him into the side of the building. Looking at the casino, she noticed the fancy suit in one of the windows. "You..." she shot into the air and shattered her way through the wall to stand beside the man who had sent those young thugs to their deaths. "Who the fuck are you?" "Someone who doesn't like cheats." He rushed at her, and she took his fists in hers at the first two punches he threw. Crushing the bones of his hands and driving him to his knees, Sandra shoved him to the floor. Then she got on her knees over his face, and made her clothes vanish. Putting strength into him, Sandra entered his fragile mind and took his knowledge while forcing him to lick and massage her perfect body. Mounting him, she moved over his penis in ways that drove him insane with pleasure. Her agility and ability unmatched by any of the many the man had screwed before. "Ooh, baby. can so fucking good? You feel...sooogooood...ah..." "Hang on asshole, here's a ride you'll never forget." Taking a great deal of pleasure from this, Sandra sped up and made herself stronger and faster. The moaning man stared getting noisy until reaching a fever-pitch of scream after scream. No human could screw with the speed and range of movement Sandra was applying to this man. Then she remembered with a little laugh that this was supposed to be a punishment. Thrusting harder and harder, her face twisted cruelly as she watched his pleasure pass the threshold into pain, his body battered against the floor until it started breaking, even enhanced by the strength she had granted him. He was spent, but the power of her attraction and the touch of her flesh kept him so very hard inside her. Sandra realized she was about to orgasm, and entered a frenzy. Her thrusting increased and the urgency became greater until she collapsed on his very dead, crushed and unrecognizable body. "Thank you." She lifted up and floated above the broken corpse. Cleaning herself of blood and gore, she dressed in a new outfit and grabbed her bag before flying out the hole she so very easily made.