Travelling to Servitude By Musgrlfan1, A flight to New York leads to an encounter with two powerful women I had just arrived at the airport where I as taking a late morning flight from San Antonio back to my home in New York City. After checking my baggage at the counter, I walked over to my gate to wait for the boarding to begin. As they announced the boarding for First Class passengers, I moved to join the line to board. A very beautiful looking young woman arrived at the line at the same time I did and I stepped back to let her ahead of me. Without so much as a nod of thanks, she stepped into the line in front of me as if I was not even there. I just shrugged it off, being used to behavior like hers after living for 5- years in New York since leaving college in Oregon. Her face looked familiar to me, but I could not place her name. This was not unusual since due of my business, I have had to fly at least two weeks out of every month for the last four years. With her stunning looks, I thought she might be an actress or someone I had seen on TV one time or another. She looked to be a couple inches taller than my 5'8", but without her heels, I guessed that she was probably about the same height as I. She had beautiful, shoulder length brown hair and I guessed she must be around 22-years old. I could not tell much about her physique from the back, but what I could see was fantastic. She was wearing a business pants-suit that that hid much of her body, but I could see that she had trim waist, very broad, athletic looking shoulders and a wide, strong looking back. Her rear was also perfectly round and probably the best I had ever seen. I thought that she must have done a lot of swimming to get a body like hers. I gave a silent prayer that she would be in the seat next to me, but as we moved into the body of the plane, she took a seat in the first row against the window. I gave a little sigh of regret and moved on back to take my seat. I settled in to my seat, three rows back on the window and settled myself in. After a few minutes I laid back my head back to rest against the window and tried to relax. I had just closed my eyes, dreaming of the young beauty in the first row, when I felt the person who had the seat next to me sit down. I opened my eyes to see who was there, and was delighted to find a beautiful young woman in the aisle seat next to me. She too looked very familiar, but I could not place her either. She looked to be in her early twenties and seemed to be about 5'6" tall with a very athletic build-broad shoulders and a thick, strong looking neck. She was wearing a blouse and a full-length skirt and a loose fitting, oversized sweater, so I could not really tell how her body looked. She had mid-length blonde hair and a broad smile on her lovely face as she said good morning to me. "Good morning," I said, returning her smile, "How are you doing this morning." "Fine," she answered, "Happy to heading back home." I smiled, "I know what you mean. I was having a hard time adjusting to the warm weather in the middle of winter and all the people being so nice and polite to me all the time. It was giving me the chills." She laughed and answered, "Oh, you get used to it after a while. Eventually you won't even notice it. So, you are saying that you'd miss the traffic, rushing, and all that noise?" "Its just that it has taken me five-years to get used to it, and I'm reluctant to throw all that hard work down the drain." She laughed again, a lovely little laugh, and she when she laughed she placed her hand on my arm and I felt a surge of electricity flow through my entire body. I began to feel myself tumbling and I knew I was falling for her fast. I felt my whole body flush and my face must have gone beet red because she looked at me and gave me a coy little smile, before giving my arm a little squeeze and letting go. "Do you often travel to San Antonio?" I managed to ask, trying to say anything to keep my mouth from just flopping wide open like a love struck teenager. She blushed and said, "You probably won't believe it, but a friend of mine wanted some good Mexican food, so she bought some tickets and we flew to San Antonio for dinner yesterday." I was more than a little dubious about this. "I know its tough finding a good Mexican restaurant in New York," I said, "but isn't that a little much? Besides, if you are travelling with a friend, where is she? Why aren't you sitting with her?" Her smile faded just a little as she answered me, "She's sitting up in the front row. She hates sitting next to other people on the plane, so she buys two seats for herself every time she flies. Her name's Domi. She's right up there." And she pointed toward where the beautiful young brunette was sitting in the first row. "Wait a second. She was right in front of me when I got on the plane. I didn't see you with her." I answered, thinking that I had caught her in her little joke. Her smile faded then, and she looked remote as she answered, saying, "I was busy taking care of our bags." I didn't like where the conversation was going, so I changed the subject. "You know, you and your friend both look very familiar to me. I know that I have seen you before. Do you work downtown? I live in Chelsea. Maybe I have seen you there?" This brought a smile back to her beautiful face. She shook her head. "No, we live on the Upper East Side and we work.well, let's say we both are retired. But you probably have seen us before on the television." "You're an actress?" I asked. "Nope," she said with a grin, "I'll give you a hint. My name is Kim, but if you don't guess who I am on the plane, I will let you know over dinner tonight." Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather. This beauty had just asked me out to dinner! For the rest of the flight, we talked and really hit it off. I could tell that she liked me as much as I liked her, and even though I was no closer to guessing who she was, I was enjoying the mystery. The brunette in the front row never got out of her seat for the entire flight, so I was never able to find out whether that story was true or a joke. But, I put her out of my mind and spent the time talking and laughing with Kim. All too soon, the flight touched down at La Guardia and we disembarked. I walked with Kim out of the plane and to my surprise, the brunette was waiting at the gate as we came up the boarding ramp. She gave me a cool look over that seemed to take in my entire body in a moment as if she was measuring me for something. Then she gave me a sly smile and turning to Kim said, "When I get home, I'm going straight from the apartment to the gym and then I am going clubbing. I will talk with you in the morning." Kim listened to her with her head lowered and nodded after the brunette finished speaking. It seemed odd, and Kim almost looked as if she was a servant being instructed in her duties. Then the brunette turned away, looking me over again with a grin that could only be described as mischievous and headed towards the exits. I didn't know what to make over the whole scene, and Kim seemed a little embarrassed after her friend left so abruptly so I decided not to bring it up. "Ready to go get your luggage, Kim?" I asked. She looked at me, gave me a beaming smile and nodded. Then she reached over and placed her hand through my arm. I don't know how I did it, but I managed not to faint and I said, "Ok, lets go then." We reached the baggage claim carousel and waited for the bags to come down. Mine came first and I grabbed it while we waited for Kim's luggage. I looked around for Kim but she was nowhere to be seen. Then a new lot of bags came down with a loud thud and Kim grabbed one very large case and another small one, lifting them lightly from the carousel and setting them down. I joked, "That's a lot of bags for an overnight stay." Kim gave me a weak smile and said, "The big bag belongs to Domi. The smaller one is mine. Ready to go?" I nodded and decided not to comment on what a bad friend I thought Domi was. I said, "I have a car picking me up. We can drop off our stuff and go get some dinner. Okay?" Kim beamed at me and nodded. I leaned over to pick up the Domi's large suitcase for Kim. I grabbed at the handle and nearly broke my back. It was so heavy that I was only able to lift it up a couple inches before I had to set it back down. How the heck had Kim taken it so easily off the carousel? "What's she got in there?" I gasped, "Bricks?" Kim laughed, "Not quite, but almost. She always carries a few weights with her when she travels. That way she never misses a workout." "A few weights? Seems more like a whole gym. I'd better go get a Sky Cap and a cart to carry that one." Kim stopped me as I moved to go get a cart and smiled at me. "That's Ok, I can get it just fine." And she grabbed the handle and lifted it up easily as can be. I was flabbergasted that she was able to lift that bag and my eyes must have went wide as I looked at her, wondering how she was able to lift that heavy suitcase so easily. "I work out a little too." She said. "But it was sweet of you to offer to help." Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek and my heart beat so fast that it was all I could do to keep from getting down on my knees to propose right then. We found my car and driver waiting at the curb as we left the terminal and drove into Manhattan and dropped Kim's baggage off with her doorman before driving downtown to my place to drop my stuff off and head to dinner. We went over to an Indian place on 6th street and had a nice meal, although I barely remember what we ate because we talked constantly and I hardly looked at my food since I was all the time just enjoying gazing at her beautiful face. Beautiful, smart, and great company, I was really feeling that maybe she was the right woman for me. The mystery of who she was added spice to the mix as well. That she might be very strong was also thrilling to me, but how could anyone be so strong to to carry that heavy suitcase. I couldn't get that out of my mind and after we finished eating and went walking up St. Marks, people watching. We were holding hands and I was in bliss. I decided to ask her about the suitcase and why she looked so familiar to me. "Kim, I have to ask you about something." She looked at me, smiled and said, "Ok, ask me." "First, who are you? I know I have seen you and Domi before, but I cannot for the life of me guess your last name. Secondly, well, it's about that suitcase. That thing weighed a ton, yet you lifted it easily. How were you able to do that? I know you said you work out a little, but most guys would have been hard pressed to even carry that a couple of feet. I mean, you look nice and athletic and all, but that was something else." Kim got a pensive look on her face. She nibbled her lip for a moment and answered me, saying, "I really don't like to talk about it too much, but I think that you are someone I can open up to and talk with. Please come to my place and I will tell you everything there." I looked at her face and saw that she really wanted me to go, and by this time I was hooked on her anyway. She could have asked me to jump off a cliff and I would have done it. "Of course I will come, Kim." So I hailed a cab and we headed up town to her apartment. When we got to her apartment I was in for another surprise. It was the penthouse apartment and it was huge. It had beautiful furnishings and great view of the park. In this part of town, this apartment had to go for a few million easy. I had a nice townhouse in Chelsea that set me back almost $800 grand, but this place was on a whole different scale that was still well beyond my means. Kim took my hand and walked me over to the sofa where we sat down. She sat a little ways apart from me and holding my hands looked she said, "I'm a little nervous about this. I really liked you from talking with you on the plane, and I hoped that you liked me. You seemed real nice and I thought we hit it off great, but as you might have guessed by now, I am pretty strong. Much stronger than an average woman, and stronger than most guys too. A lot of guys couldn't handle being with a woman who was stronger than they are. So when I lifted the bags at the airport, I did it to see if you would be scared away." I smiled at her and said, "Kim, I have to confess to you that when you lifted those bags, it was thrilling to see. In fact, it made me want to see you even more. I really like you a lot without being strong, and now that I know this, I am even more thrilled." She blushed at this and said, "I'm glad, because I really like you too, and I really think that we can have something special together. Do you think you would like being with a girl who is so much stronger than you are?" I nodded my head and said, "More than anything, but can I ask you something?" "Anything." I could barely speak, but I managed to say, "Kim, how strong are you?" She said, "Give me a minute and I will show you." Then she stood up and walked down the hall and toward a room and before she entered it, she turned and said with a sly smile, "Take a look around the apartment and maybe you might see something that will spark your memory of my last name." I got up and walked around. I looked around at the various furniture for a hint at who she was. Then I saw some photos on one of the end tables. I walked over an picked one up. The photo was of a couple of gymnasts that I recognized instantly as being former Olympic athletes, and then it clicked. She was Kim Zmostl and Domi was Dominique Montesque, two of the top gymnasts in the world during the last several years. I could not believe they were the same people I had met today though. Especially Domi, the one-time pixie was now at least ten inches taller than when she had been in the Olympics. I heard a giggle and turned to find Kim standing behind me, laughing at the confusion she saw on my face. She was wearing a long bathrobe that covered her body completely. "So, you solved your mystery then?" she said. "Actually, now I am even more curious! You have changed so much! You both grew so much taller and how did you afford this apartment?" I asked. "Well, the apartment actually belongs to Domi. She made a lot of money after the last Olympics." Kim said, "I left gymnastics because of injuries, but Domi left because she suddenly started to grow and lost her balance. She was always competitive with me and needed to be better than me in everything we did, and when I started going to the gym to lift weights for my injuries and Domi went because she saw how fast I was gaining muscle and perhaps she felt a little jealous. She needed an outlet for her competitive energy I guess. Now, she has even competed in and won some weightlifting competitions, and she's still only nineteen years old. I don't like to compete anymore. I just lift to feel good and be strong. So as you can see, our bodies have changed some since those days." "What kind of changes?" I asked with anticipation. She smiled at me and said, "Well, let me show you." And then hesitantly she added, "I hope you like what you see." Then Kim removed the robe she was wearing and let it drop to her feet. I gasped as she revealed what lay hidden. She had changed into a pair of gym shorts and a sleeveless crop-top workout shirt. Her powerful body was more massive than I could have ever imagined. The base created by years of gymnastics and a superior genetics had been molded into a beautiful, hugely muscled body with her weight training. Her neck was smooth and thick with elegant muscle and that flowed down to those immensely broad shoulders with thick traps and delts. Her arms were massive with thick, smooth, beautiful muscle. They looked to be twice the size of my own skinny arms and perhaps even as big as my thighs. Her chest was broad and the pectorals were like massive plates of muscle. Her waist, which was still as thick as I remembered it from her gymnastics days, looked smooth and strong with a hint of the powerful abdominal muscle beneath her smooth skin. Her thighs and calve were huge beyond imagination. Thick muscle swelled beneath her smooth skin and I trembled at the sight of her awesome thews. She had the same sort of smoothness that an offseason bodybuilder might maintain, but no female bodybuilder who ever lived, ever looked like Kim. Then she flexed her arms and legs and the muscles exploded to their full size and glory. She was magnificent! So much power and beauty all in one package! My legs were trembling so much at the sight of all her beautiful muscle that I could not stand any longer and fell backwards on my rear. She gasped and looked at me nervously, "Are you ok?" I nodded, unable to speak. The beautiful titan walked over to me and kneeled down beside me. "What's don't like my muscles, do you." She said and she lowered her head and her eyes began to well up with tears. I reached my hand out nervously and placed it on her massive shoulder. She lifted her head and I looked into her eyes saying, "I think you are the most spectacularly beautiful woman I have ever seen and I think I am head over heals in love with you." Kim squealed in delight and reaching under me, lifted me into her arms and stood back up, dancing about the room while carrying me cradled in her massive arms like a baby. She was so strong! She carried me so easily! I just moaned in delight and literally melted in her arms, feeling the massive, powerful muscles that held me close. "I love you too!" She cried happily. "I knew it the moment I saw you that you would be the one for me." Then she squeezed me against her chest and held me close for several minutes while neither of us said a word. Finally, she walked over to the sofa and sat us down, resting me on her lap while I leaned against her chest, my head on her shoulder and my hands roaming across her mountainous biceps. "Kim, how big are your arms and legs?" I asked. She giggled. "Lots bigger than yours!" I smiled, "Thank God for that, but seriously, how big and how strong are you?" Kim nodded and said, "Okay, well.Right now I weigh about 195 pounds at 5'6", my arms and calves are each a little more than 19-inches around and my thighs are about 34" big. Almost as big as your chest, I think." I blushed, and she giggled again and gave me a little hug. I can bench around 450 pounds and my best squat is close to 700 pounds. I can curl 250 easy and military press about the same." My mouth gaped open in awe. "That's amazing!" I gasped. "Few men could think to match those numbers! You can curl and press almost twice my weight!" Kim gave me a sly grin and said, "You know, you are right. I haven't had my workout today, so lets see what I can do with you!" Then standing up with me in her arms, she began to curl her arms, using me as a barbell. She did about a dozen reps and each time she lifted me up, she gave me a little kiss at the top of the motion. I lay in her arms, watching her biceps expand and contract to amazing size each time she raised me until she finished and put me down to stand in front of her. "Did you enjoy your ride?" she asked? I was practically jumping up and down like a schoolboy. I squealed out, "It was wonderful! Can you do some more?" and I reached around her massive shoulders and gave her a passionate hug! Kim giggled and hugged me back with a big bear hug, lifting my feet off the ground for several moments. Then she smiled and said, "Ok, let's take you on an elevator ride now." Then she grabbed my arm with one hand and bending over, she pulled me across her shoulders and stood up, lifting me off the ground. Then placing one hand under my chest and the other grabbing my thigh, she lifted me off her shoulders in an amazing military press! I was in ecstasy as she began to do several repetitions with me. Lifting me up and down, untiring and with only the slightest effort. Then after a dozen reps, she put me back down. "How was that?" she asked with a big grin. I just hugged her again with all my might, and she wrapped her arms around me, lifted me up in another bear hug and held me there against her powerful body. "You are incredible." I said, "That was the most awesome thing that anyone has ever done for me." Kim set me back down then and looking at me said, "Well, if you think that was awesome, then I want to try one more thing that will really knock your socks off." She crouched low then and put her right palm against my stomach. Then, in an amazing display of womanly power, she stood back up and pressing up on my body, slowly lifted me up until her powerful arm was completely extended over her head, holding me aloft for a few seconds of pure bliss before lowering me again. Then, even more amazing, she lifted me up again with the same massively muscled arm, and repeated the feat three more times after that until on the fifth rep her arm was shaking too much to go all the way to full extension. She then lowered me back down to cradle me in her huge arms again. She hugged me to her thick chest and kissed me as she held me in her strong, thickly muscled arms. I felt in heaven as I curled up in her big arms, hoping that I could stay there forever. "I never imagined there could be anyone like you, Kim. You are so much fun to be with, so smart, so very strong and so beautiful. You are the most amazing woman in the world, Kim. I want to stay here in your arms forever. Nobody is as smart, beautiful or as strong as you. You are simply the strongest and greatest woman in the world." "Wrong on both counts, little guy." A voice said. I heard Kim gasp and looking up from my nest in Kim's arms, I saw that Domi was leaning in the doorway watching us with an amused smile on her face. Domi had changed out of the clothes I had seen her wearing on the plane, and now I could see that Kim had not been lying when she said Domi had been spending a lot of time in the weight room since quitting gymnastics. She was wearing black four-inch spike heels, a black leather mini skirt, and had topped it off with a black leather top that left her midrift bare. Her legs were amazingly beautiful. They were long and powerfully muscled. They were not as big and thickly muscled as Kim's were, but they looked like they were so densely packed with muscle they looked as if they had been carved out of stone. In fact, her whole body looked like it might have been carved from stone. The same big, deadly looking, sinuous muscles that she had on her legs, covered her arms as well. Each muscle in her abdomen stood out in relief on her trim waist, which was only accentuated by her amazingly broad, hard, well muscled shoulders. Well- developed pectorals peeked out of the modestly low cut top she wore. She certainly looked strong, but she could not possibly be a match for my Kim. Kim had to outweigh her by forty pounds, nearly all of it powerful muscle. "Ok, Kim. Your playtime is over. Put him down and get in your proper position." Domi said. Kim nodded her head, sighed and let me down so that I was once again standing on my feet. "Kim, what's wrong?" I asked. She said nothing, and then, much to my surprise she kneeled down upon the floor on both knees and bowed her head low towards Domi, staying there in an attitude that could only be described as one of submission. I tried to take Kim by the arm and pull her up to standing, but she took my hand in hers, squeezed it briefly, and then removed my hand from her arm. I looked at her and then over to Domi, "What's going on here? What is happening?" Domi straightened up from where she was leaning on the door, and walked across the room to stand in front of Kim. She reached down and ran her hands gently through Kim's hair. "That's a good girl." Domi said softly, then she faced me and grabbed me by the arm and with surprising strength, easily pulled me toward her. "When I am done with him, I may give him back to you. That is, assuming that he will want to go back." "Let go of me, Domi!" I said sternly. "I'm going nowhere with you" and I grabbed her hand, intent on removing it from my arm, but I was shocked to discover that I could not budge her grip in the slightest. She didn't even seem to strain either as she held me firmly in her grip. I began to jerk my arm hard, trying to pull it away from her. This seemed to get her attention as she turned her head and looked at me, raising her eyebrow with an amused look on her face. "Do not try to escape, sweetie. I am much too strong for you to escape from and you don't want to make things bad for yourself by making me angry with you." She said sweetly. "Anyway, most men would kill for what I am about to do with you." And then she started to pull me to the door of the bedroom. This just made me madder. I wanted to be with Kim, not this rude young girl. Her grip was obviously too strong for me to break in the manner I was trying, so I decided that I would have to do something drastic. Dropping quickly into a crouch so that my shoulder was at her waist, I grabbed her around her beautiful legs and pushing up with my own legs, managed to topple her over. She released my arm as we began to fall and I landed on top of her so that I was sitting on top her stomach, then I quickly grabbed her wrists and leaned on her arms with my body as I moved to hold her pinned to the floor. Domi's eyes flashed angrily as she said, "That was very foolish of you. Now I will have to show you just who you are dealing with." Then with contemptuous ease, she freed her wrists from my grip and before I knew it, she had my own wrists held tightly in her powerful grip. She pushed up on my arms and I was pushed back into an upright position, still seated on her hard belly. Then using the powerful gymnast muscles of her belly, she sat up straight, pushing me back until I toppled over backwards. She had knocked my over by using only the strength of her stomach muscles! She then let go of my wrists and hopped to her feet so that her hard muscled, strong looking legs were on either side of my body. I could only look up at her in surprise. She looked strong an as hard as a rock, with well large, well developed muscles, but I could not believe this young girl had escaped my hold so easily. She looked down at me, smiled and said, "Didn't think I could get loose, did you? Well others have made the mistake of underestimating the power in my big, hard, girl-muscles. But I hope your not getting comfy lying there. I ain't finished with you yet." I said, "Actually, I think you are." And I started to pick myself up off the floor, but when I tried to move she lifted one of her legs and placed the toe of her high-heeled foot square on my chest, shoving me back to the floor. I tried to move, but she held me easily there with just the tip of her foot. For the first time, I began to get worried. Looking over at Kim for help, I was shocked to see that she was still on her knees, with her head bent obediently. I began to panic and struggled, but she held me there without any difficulty at all on her part. "I see you are beginning to realize what you are up against." She said with a grin. "Well, just in case you aren't sure yet, take a look at this." Then she raised her arms and flexed. I gasped as big, round, rock-hard biceps jumped out of her arms. Her arms were easily far bigger than mine, and although they were not nearly as large as Kim's 19-inch guns, they looked much harder, like solid rock even. I could only gaze up in awe and fear at this beautiful, young, teenaged powergirl as she stood over me, confident in her superiority. I could not help but reach up and place my hands on her powerfully muscled thigh and I was astonished at the feeling of pure power that I felt rippling from her mighty limbs. She lowered her arms and smiling, she then bent over and grabbed me by the collar with both of her hands. Then with astonishing ease she pulled me up off the floor until I was on my feet, and then even more so that I was standing with only my toes touching the floor! I was about the same height as her, but with those 4-inch heels, she had me beat and even with on my tiptoes, I had to raise my head up to look into her eyes. She held me there, all but dangling in her fists without so much as showing the slightest quiver of effort. Her arms bulged big and hard with beautiful, granite biceps and her dark eyes gazed down on me with amusement. "You have never seen any girl as strong as me before." She said in an alluring, yet matter-of- fact sort of way." "Wrong," I answered weakly, "Kim's muscles are bigger and stronger than yours. She will help me, I know she can do it." Domi just laughed at me! "Bigger maybe, but stronger? Kim knows who is the strongest. Why do you think she kneels there while I toy with her new love?" She glanced over at Kim and said to her, "Isn't that right, Kim? Who is your superior?" Kim spoke without looking up, her voice ragged with hurt, "You are, Mistress." Domi then let loose my collar with her left hand, but there was no difference in her hold as she held me up as easily with only her right hand as with the both together. She raised her arm and flexed it so that her biceps grew huge right in front of my eyes. "Look at this power. I know guys like you. You dream about having a young teenaged girl like me overpower you. You weak little man. Look at my muscles! I'm at least seven years younger than you are, and my muscles are twice the size of yours! Look at my biceps! They dwarf your weak, puny arm. You know you want to feel it, you want to be held by it, to touch it and be controlled by it. Touch my arm and feel what real power is about. After you I have you, no other woman will catch your eye again. Touch it.Now!" As if answering the command in her voice, my hand raised up almost of its own volition and before I knew what I was doing, I was feeling the most awesome muscle on any human that I had ever seen. Her biceps was probably around 17 inches around and it was as hard as steel. I pulsed with power and I could not even compress the tiniest amount, no matter how hard I tried. Against my will, I began to moan with pleasure and desire as my hand caressed her magnificent biceps. They were not nearly as big around as Kim's were, but my own arm looked pale, weak, and skinny along her giant biceps. Domi smiled slyly at me, "Surprised at how a teenaged girl can demolish you so easily? Now you understand how much more powerful I am than you, or any other pitiful male. No woman can compare to my beauty or strength either. You desire me above all others, admit it, little man!" I opened my mouth to affirm her power, but at the last moment I checked myself. I looked over at Kim, who while still kneeling on the floor, had raised her head just enough to look at me. Her eyes seemed to implore me not to give into Domi, and this gave me the courage to answer Domi with a voice so calm and sure that I surprised even myself, "No, I desire only Kim." Domi gasped as uttered these words. "What?" She screamed at me, and then in an amazing display of power, she hoisted me high over her head in her one, powerful right hand. What Kim had been able to do only a few times with her one arm, Domi did without effort at all! It was if I weighed absolutely nothing to her strong, steel hard muscles. "How dare you defy me!" she roared and then she began to shake me like a wet dog! She held me up there with her one strong arm, while she shook my body so hard and so rapidly that my teeth began to rattle and my limbs were flying about out of control. I tried to fight her and I grasped at her wrist to try to pry loose her grip on my collar, but it was no use as she was far too strong. She laughed at my puny efforts and began to shake my even harder while showing no signs of tiring. I was dizzy, afraid and my flailing limbs were painfully banging against themselves and my face. I began to blubber and then cry outright as she continued punishing me. I could not take this much longer and I had only one hope. I managed to stop sobbing long enough to look at Kim and beg her for help. "Please, Kim, help me!" I cried. Domi laughed softly at me. She stopped shaking me and lowered me down so that she could look directly into my eyes, yet so that I was still held suspended a couple of inches off the floor by her superior, muscular arms. "Look at Kim, little man." Domi commanded. I looked at Kim. Her eyes were directed at Domi and filled with rage, but as I met her angry gaze with a look of pleading of my own, her eyes turned down in shame and she quickly bowed her head down again. "Do you really think she will help you now, my weak little baby?" I could only shake my head and I sobbed as I answered her, "No.she will not." Grinning widely, she easily lifted me up over her head again and gave me a little shake. I squealed at the thought of being roughed over again by the young powerhouse. I cried out in terror, "No more! Please, Domi! No more!" And I began to sob uncontrollably. She lowered my back down again until I was eye level. "Are you now ready to admit my superiority, you weak male? Are you ready to admit a teenaged girl can kick your ass and that I own you now?" she asked forcefully and to emphasize her power, she flexed her biceps again until they had swollen to unbelievable size and hardness. Her broad shoulders, thickly muscled neck, strong steel-hard legs all emphasized her dominance over me. I again placed my hand on her massive biceps, feeling the power that surged within her muscular young body and I knew then that I was lost. I looked at the beautiful face of this youngster who had so easily overwhelmed me. I knew that she had won and that I could do nothing to stop her. My shoulders sank and all the fight in me vanished as I lowered my head and softly sobbed, "Yes.. Mistress." Giggling like the teenager she was, Domi flexed the brawny arm she with which she was holding me aloft, bringing me up against her powerful chest while still hanging from her one-handed grip on my shirt, so that my skinny legs dangled weakly against her rock hard limbs. "Good boy. Now, for recognizing the superiority of my big, strong, teenaged-girl muscles, I am going to give you what you really want." Then she reached behind my head with her free hand and grabbing my hair, pulled my face against hers and kissed me long and hard. If there was any fight in me then, it was certainly gone now as I gave myself over to her fully. For me there was nothing else in the world except Domi and I felt like I was in heaven as she practically swallowed my face with her kiss. My hands roamed across her massive arms, shoulders, and back. Feeling the steel-hard muscles beneath the skin. The teenager easily controlled me now. When she released my hair, I had no thought of pulling away. I wanted only to be with her.To be overwhelmed by her. She was truly awesome in every way. This teen was my superior in every way. Even her mouth was stronger than I was, and my strength was exhausted when she released me. My head hung loose and I let it lay on her broad shoulders as I panted, trying to regain my breath. Domi then slipped her hand underneath my rear, and gently lifted me up set me on her hip, and began to gently held me against her and rock me. I melted in her arms as I felt the muscles of her body move beneath my own. She cooed softly in my ear, "You will always know pleasure with me, as long as you remember to put my own pleasure before your own, my weak little man. Remember that from now on, you are mine, and mine alone. You will learn, just as has Kim, that to obey me, brings rewards beyond your wildest dreams." Then the muscular teen began to gyrate her hips as I sat on them, flexing and unflexing her massive biceps as I moaned in pleasure, my hands roaming across her powerful shoulders and arms. I knew that I had no more self-will and that the powerful teen controlled me easily, but I did not care. I was hers and she knew it. "Yes, mistress! I belong to you! Thank you for all you have given me!" I shouted as I weeped with pleasure. "No! He's mine!" Shouted Kim and she surged off the floor and took a bounding leap at Domi's back. But Domi was too fast, and without even removing me from my perch on her hip, she reached out as fast as a snake and grabbed Kim by the throat and holding her body aloft where she had been snatched out of mid air. Without effort, the powerful strong girl hoisted Kim over her head and began to shake her body, punishing her as she had done to me before. I continued to squeeze my body close to Domi, relishing the feeling of being so close to her and marveling in the display of power as she waved the much heavier Kim about like flag, until Kim was crying and begging for forgiveness. Fifteen minutes before, I would have been horrified at what Domi was doing to Kim, but now I realized that she deserved her punishment for daring to defy Domi. I still had strong feelings of love for Kim and I wanted the opportunity to be close to her and spend time with her, but those thoughts were now secondary to my need to please Domi. Domi finally stopped and dropped Kim to the floor, where she gasped for breath. Domi flexed her giant biceps so that Kim could see them and know their superior power. Then she placed her foot upon Kim's chest, standing in a pose of pure dominating muscle superiority and said, "I will forgive you just this once, but he is mine. You may share him if you are good, but he belongs to me, the same as you belong to me." Kim got up to her knees, nodded silently and bowed her head to Domi, accepting her superior will and strength." Domi smiled and reaching down, grabbing Kim about the waist, she gently lifted Kim off the ground and set her on her hip on the opposite side of her body from me. She then kissed Kim long and hard, until I saw the resistance flow out of Kim's body, to be replaced by desire. Domi pulled her mouth away from Kim's, and Kim hugged herself tight to the younger and stronger musclegirl. "Now," she said softly, "Lets the three of us go in to the bedroom and get to know each other better." Then easily carrying us both on her hips like a couple of babies, my new muscle mistress walked into the bedroom where she continued to teach us lessons on our place as her slaves and many other things as well.