The decision: breaking up is hard By Julian Sullivan: write to me on the stories message board Sweet girl-next-door type teaches her S.N.A.G boyfriend a lesson (c) 2001 Julian Sullivan Begin: ring ring... ring >hullo, Department of Entomology hi there, my name’s Linda, I was ah, I’m from the local university, I was told you might need some help collecting insect specimens. >Yes that’s right, I could always use a hand. Are you interested in helping? I am, I would like to work for the Department when I graduate, So I would like to see for myself what’s involved. >Sure, If you like you can come along next week. Wear something old though, searching for insects in the forest can be messy work… Her name was Linda and she had the nicest ass I have ever seen. The first time I noticed, she was laying on the ground face down, so she could peer into an old burnt out tree hollow. While in this awkward position I happened to glance at her ass under her trousers as she wriggled forward for a better view. Her ass flexed powerfully and her already rounded butt cheeks leapt up, first one, then the other. They had a remarkable shape, taller than long, almost parabolic. I small gasp of surprise escaped my lips and she turned to me to ask what I had seen. I replied "ah, err, it was just a snake, it’s gone now". She shrugged and as I watched her wriggle back into position, I felt my groin stir. I knew I should not be watching her, but was unable to stop. We were alone in a forest searching for >Accipter valkerii>, a rare beetle. I conducted field surveys with the entomology department and Linda, a student from a local university, was helping me, hoping to learn a thing or two about entomology. She was twenty at the time and keen on an entomology career. I was about twenty-five. At the end of the day we were reloading equipment back into the car when she picked up two heavy bags. I said “hold on, I’ll give you a hand with those”, but she replied “I’m ok with them, I’m pretty strong, I bet I’m stronger than you”. As if to demonstrate, she began curling the bags, like you would with weights. Let me try to describe Linda. She looked quite conservative, with neatly cropped fringe, simple earrings, large framed prescription glasses and was overdressed for fieldwork; as if she thought she was in an office. She was only five foot five, with a pretty but unremarkable face. Her body was small but compact and fit looking. Her arms and legs were not big, but had definition. So when she curled those bags, my jaw dropped as large biceps sprung forth. They were a remarkable size for such a small girl and shot up from otherwise small arms, they were unusually tall and peaked. She gave me a pleasant smile as she walked past back to the car. ------------------------ Linda helped with my fieldwork on a couple of other occasions, until she graduated from the university. Soon after, she found some work with another section of the entomology department. I did not see her again until I attended a seminar she was presenting to some of my colleagues; something to do with her new job. I ensured my seat had a good view of her flank as she stood behind the lectern. She was overdressed as usual, with a jacket that had padded shoulders and a short, tight cream colored skirt. I found it hard to concentrate of the seminar, distracted by the lovely shape of her ass. At one point, she turned her back to us and stretched up to pull the chord of the projector screen. She is not tall and had to stand on her toes. Her calf muscles leapt forth like large pears trapped under her skin and one of her glutes flexed, causing the fabric of one side of her skirt to ride up a moment to reveal a glimpse of pink panties. Stunned by this accidental display, I was unable to react, however someone else had the presence of mind to help her lower the screen. Linda’s character is difficult to describe. She was quite smart and quick minded, a thorough person who came across as a confident, modern, young women. Despite this, her values seemed quite old fashioned. Although I found her endearing, a lot of men in the department did not like her. I am not sure why this was, but think it has something to do with the way she would always question work procedures. Or perhaps these men felt threatened by confident young women. I spoke to Linda after the seminar. Unlike most people, I was able to get past her business like exterior, which I suspected was just a protective front. I would do this by asking direct questions about her personal life, and although this would make her act all nervous and giggly, she would answer anyway. I enjoyed the way she would drop her guard for me. ------------------------------------------ I sometimes visited the office where Linda worked, while I was on some sort of errand. I would always make sure I spoke to Linda during these visits, and I suspected I started to take these errands just to see her. Once I was surprised to hear her arguing loudly in the boss’s office. The argument became quite heated before Linda stormed out of the building. I caught up with her in the gardens in the back of the complex, she was still hurrying away and I had to grab her shoulder to turn her. She turned with a tear-streamed face. “What happened Linda” I asked. “I have to get out of here, I hate working in this place.” She sobbed some more “I have this new job lined up, but my boss won’t give me a recommendation, he just doesn’t like me, it’s so unfair”. This angered me, as I knew Linda was an excellent worker, and I suspected that her boss was one of those men who seemed to feel a bit threatened by her. I told her: “Linda, don’t worry about it, why don’t I give you a recommendation, after all, you did work for me for a while, I will make it a good one”. Although not attractive in the conventional sense, I found Linda quite pretty. The way she would overdress, her too conservative bobbed brown hair and her awkwardly big-framed prescription glasses I found adorable. There was something about the way she was unaware of her beauty, unaware of how sexy she was, the way she clothed herself inexpertly, as if you could peel away the exterior to find something remarkable underneath. I found this far more exciting than women who flaunted their looks. Her sobbing ceased and she looked up at me with soft brown eyes. With a sincere look she said “thanks” as she stood on her toes and kissed me. Her nervous eyes searched my face for a reaction before she hurried back to the office. I was left surprised and wondering if the kiss was a little too hard and long just to be friendly. --------------------------- I had not asked Linda on a date before this for a number of reasons. First, she was a work colleague and I was once her supervisor, so it seemed a little unethical. Second, I did not consider her my type. As I explained before, her values were old fashioned and she seemed a little awkward. Non the less, I stood in my living room with a phone in my hand dialing her number. ring ring..... ring hullo >ah Linda, hi its me oh hi how are you >ok, you recovering >ah, I was wondering if you wanted to, you know, go out this Friday, to a meal ........silence........ You’re asking me out on a date? >ah, yeah I guess I am. Well… I don’t know, I mean I like you, but I’m kind of waiting for the real thing, I don’t like flings or one-nighters. And I don’t like being hurt by guys who are just after sex. >I understand Linda Well o.k. as long as you understand. I guess I was a little nervous and not thinking straight at the time, but afterwards I felt some pangs of doubt. Its not that I didn’t want to date Linda, it was just that she seemed to take it so seriously. While I found her adorable, I suspected we were too different and it would not last. I suspected I wanted her mainly because I was so sexually attracted to her. ------------------ After two months of dating Linda, I was becoming very frustrated. Although we would sometimes kiss quite passionately, this is where she would draw the line. While kissing I would move my hand over a breast, and just as I was enjoying the sensation of a firm hand-full of breast she would push my hand away. In the end I decided I was not prepared to live with the frustration and decided to end it. It happened late one night in a dance practice hall. I had learnt the reason she had such a superb physique. She was a dancer, and would practice and train vigorously and often. This night I was to drive her home from the practice venue, due to her car not working. The dance hall where she practiced was not used at this time of night. She knew the owner and had permission to use it after regular classes finished. It came complete with mirror, stretching bar, a gym and polished floor. After I broke the news to her, she was squat on the floor, her side to me, with her arms covering her face, sobbing. I felt very bad about it, I knew she really liked being with me and she was clearly upset. "you ... mean ... you only wanted me ... for sex". She said between sobs. I squatted down beside her, putting my hand on her leg, "no Linda, that’s going too far, I just said I wanted a relationship that was more physical". Then something happened that was so unexpected I was shocked to my core. First let me describe Linda a little more. She was lovely really, in a girl next door sort of way. Only five foot five, with soft brown eyes and bobbed dark brown hair, with a short fringe. She had a pretty face that she spoiled by wearing ugly large prescription glasses. I found the overall affect adorable. This night, she was wearing thin dancing tights and a white, tight, sleeveless, ribbed shirt. She must have had contacts instead of glasses. In any case it was gear appropriate for dance practice. What happened is that she suddenly whipped her torso around and struck me with great force across the face. I slid across the polished floor a few yards with the solid blow. My mouth was bleeding and the side of my face felt as if a bee had stung it. Suddenly she was on top of me as she rammed an elbow into my middle, winding me, then a knee found my groin and I was in so much pain I struggled to keep my senses. Now I consider myself a bit of a pacifist and tend to avoid conflict. I am not small or weak, I just have no experience in a fight and don’t know what to do. So when this happened, I was stunned, confused and scared. I had no answer to the fury and speed of her completely unexpected attack. After a while, although weakened, I mustered enough strength to stand up. She noticed my recovery and marched right over to me. Not knowing what to expect I backed away from her, but as she caught up her right arm whooshed toward me grabbing me under my chin so hard that my teeth rattled. She pushed my head a few feet backward, forcing me against the glass of the wall mirror. I lost balance and grabbed on to her upper right arm with both hands for support. All I could feel however, was a rock hard bicep, incredibly unyielding and remarkably peaked for such a small girl. She supported my weight with her one arm as I struggled to regain my footing. Her grip was monstrous, hurting my jaw enormously, contorting my face and pinning my head so I couldn't move an inch. I had tears of pain in my eyes and no answer to her strength. She looked at me with venom, she put her pretty face close to mine and her soft eyes were twinkling, she looked so beautiful I thought. "So you want something more physical" she said "why don’t we start with a kiss". As she pressed her lips against mine, I tried to resist, pushing at her stony abdomen to no effect. She parted my resisting lips with a strong tongue that she thrust deep into my mouth. She began to lick the inside of my mouth in long circular strokes as her lips sealed over my mouth. I tried to resist with my tongue, which was crushed to the side of my mouth as she proceeded. She then thrust her tongue again deep inside my mouth, this time leaving it there while she flexed her tongue so it went as wide as it would go. Her tongue seemed to fill my entire mouth, like I was swallowing an eel. She left it like that as she stared at me with her soft brown eyes, which seemed to smile briefly as she pinched my nose with her free hand. My air was cut off. At this point, I had regained a bit of strength so I kicked out at her, hard. I think I hurt her a little and she let go of my nose and removed her tongue. I gasped loudly, clutching air greedily. But she was not finished. She said “Don’t you dare kick me you shit!” and she grabbed me by the hair and unceremoniously forced my head down, face up, onto the practice bar that ran horizontally across the mirror. I swung at her but only hit air, I was in an awkward position and could not get my balance. Still holding me by the chin with her other hand I could not move my head and the rest of my body bent at an uncomfortable angle to compensate. She looked at me with anger as she bent over me and thrust her tongue inside my mouth again, butting my nose as she fucked me hard with her tongue. I landed a few punches into her abdomen, but her stomach was so firm it had little effect. She paused, then kept her head still as she lifted mine up and down over her long tongue. She flexed her tongue wide again so my lips stretched over its width. I repeated gagged on her tongue as it reached the back of my throat, yet being fucked by her tongue brought on a flush of sexual excitement in me. I was aware of how incredibly strong she was, her arms effortlessly maneuvering me according to her will and I began to cease struggling just as I was considering biting her tongue. Suddenly she let me fall to the floor. I began to say “Linda, why are you doing this” when she kicked me swiftly in the guts. I was severely winded but as I regained my senses I could see she now sat on the floor, legs slightly apart and knees bent. She was leaning forward sobbing into her knees. Thinking she had spent her anger, I felt sorry for her again, I decided I could forgive her for her actions. I crawled over to give her some sympathy, but made the mistake of crawling too close to her legs, which sprang out to hold my head in a vice. I had seen her thighs often during her dance practice. When she danced long muscles would jut from her legs and describe broad arcs that deeply cut to the knees. I grabbed on to her thighs through her tights as they clutched my head, it was like grabbing carved wood and I could not budge them. As she looked at me with teary eyes, she said very quietly “I could crush you, you know”. I gulped. “I’m so sorry Linda, forgive me, please” I was starting to fear what she might do. “I thought you were different, but your not different, you just act sensitive to get a screw” She replied. She squeezed her legs together “ah, fuck Linda, that hurts, can you be reasonable for a moment”. “Why not” she said “I can be reasonable. I will give you exactly what you want, a taste of my ass” She grabbed my hair and forced me over into a sitting position, as she stood, she turned her body gracefully as if dancing, and then clamped her thighs on my neck. This time I was looking straight up at her butt. My erection returned. I was obsessed with her butt and would fantasize about it often, since I could never actually touch it. “I know how you want to feel it, so here’s your chance, I want you to see what you’ve been missing out on” she said. I wasted no time eagerly caressing the superb curves. There it was so firm and tall, what an incredible behind, I thought. I said excitedly, “oh your ass is superb Linda” as I put my hands under each cheek, and cupping them, pushed them gently up as if to feel their weight. She flexed them one at a time, to let me feel their power. Then she pulled her tights down just under her butt cheeks. Although her legs still held me quite solidly, she grabbed my hair to make sure my head could not move saying “Go on, lick my ass fuck-face, It’s the only chance you will get”. I figured my tongue was just long enough to reach and I was still eager to taste her ass. But as I tried to lick it, she would flex her glutes and her ass would rise up out of reach. I realized she was watching us in the mirror only a few feet behind me and knew when I was trying to lick her. She released my head and pushed me back saying, “go on I’ll let you now”. I looked at her superb ass, and despite the rough treatment she had given me, I decided I would be a fool to pass up the chance to finally have my way with her butt. So I got behind her again, with my back close to the mirror as I began. She was so lovely, I felt those incredibly strong cheeks as I licked them with long strokes, kissing and sucking her cheeks in between. As I groaned with excitement I looked up to see her watching me over her left shoulder. She began to feel her ass with one hand as l was caressing and licking it. She seemed to become excited by all the attention we were giving her ass and began breathing slightly heavier. She said “I’ve seen you watch my ass, I’ve seen how much you want it, I know how you dream about it, now I’m gonna use it to crush you” She suddenly thrust her hips back hard, and pinned my head against the glass of the mirror. My face was lodged deeply between her cheeks, my mouth right on her anus. She began moving her hips in a circular motion. She was careful to keep my head firmly pinned against the glass, so I was forced to move my head with her ass or have my neck twisted uncomfortably. I grabbed her hips for balance as she lifted one of her feet just for a moment to land a backward kick in my guts. “Start licking me for heavens sake” she said. Her kick was just a warning and I was not winded. So I pressed my tongue against her anus. She moaned, starting to get excited saying “harder, harder – go inside” I forced my tongue in “deeper for fuck sake, go on” I complied just as she straightened her body and flexed her butt cheeks. I let out of loud muffled shriek as my face was trapped between her powerful cheeks. I felt as if my face would be crushed or torn off. Meanwhile my tongue was held inside her anus, she squeezed her anus harder and I let out another shriek as my tongue was crushed by her hole. I grabbed her flexed butt cheeks, they were tall, rising to a rounded parabola against my cheeks. I tried to wrench them apart but they were like iron now. So I began thumping them with all my strength. This seemed to hurt me more than she as I felt the impacts pull at my already unbearably taught face. When I began to run out of air, I brought my legs around to kick her – but she warned me by flexing her ass even tighter and I knew there was no escape. ------------------------ At some point I passed out, because when I came to, she had gotten her tights off and was riding my face with her cunt. She had one hand under her butt, to hold my chin up with my head against the mirror. She had her legs well apart and her hips thrust out toward me. She was sliding rapidly over my face, making moaning noises. She was using me as a device for her pleasure, and either did not know or did not care that I had awoken. I could smell and taste her strongly, but could not see well, and it took me a while to realize my face was sopping wet. I reached up slowly, still feeling weak, and wiped some of the fluid from my eyes and expelled some from my mouth. She seemed to be venting an enormous amount of vaginal fluid as she used all of my face to slide her cunt over. She forced my hands away from removing her cum from my face and placed them on her ass so I could feel her powerful body as she pleasured herself over my face. She seemed to be reaching a climax and her sliding became thrusting. She mashed my head against the mirror repeatedly as I held on tightly to her butt cheeks for balance, feeling the powerful muscles contract with each excited thrust. She did not let up and as her climax came the thrusting became so hard I begged her to stop. But she was relentlessly. My head in agony, she let out a loud moan as a wad of vaginal fluid was dumped over my lips and nose. She sighed heavily, stepped backwards a little and put her hands on her hips, a thick strand of vaginal fluid still attached to my mouth hung from her soaked pussy. I felt beaten. She had beaten me with her fists, fucked me with her tongue, crushed me with her ass and humiliated me with her cunt. And yet I felt completely overwhelmed by her powerful display, I felt a desire for her like I had never felt before, I felt I would do anything she asked willingly. I felt ready to give myself over to her. This is why I looked up at her adoringly, and even though she still looked at me with anger in her eyes, I tried to give her a sweet smile as I said “I love you Linda”. Apparently it was the wrong thing to say, because it was rewarded with a powerful whack across the face which knocked my sorry head to the ground. My mouth began bleeding again, this time the punch was harder than the first and my mouth was cut up pretty bad. The taste of blood in my mouth replaced the taste of Linda and, although I consider myself a pacifist and never loose my temper, I became very angry. I looked at her as she sat down on a chair a few yards away. I said to her “you fucking bitch, you have gone too far now. I was ready to completely forgive you for what you did to me and give myself over to you, but instead you treat me like shit. Well you’ve gone to far now.” As I began to stand up, this time ready to really try to hurt her she commanded “stop!, if you try to attack me, I will beat the shit out of you and put you in a hospital. If you try to leave I will mash your pretty face to a pulp” She leaned back in the chair and put her arms behind her head. She opened her legs wide stretching them apart, resting them over the arms of the chair. She reclined in this relaxed yet domineering pose, as if ready for someone to go down on her still wet pussy, as she said “or you can get down on your fucking knees and worship my cunt, shit for brains”. I stopped to consider my options. Could I beat her up. Would she catch me if I tried to leave. Or should I do as she suggests… ring ring… ring ring…click hullo >Linda oh its you again, I told you not to ring here anymore >please Linda, why won't you see me again I told you, you had your chance and you screwed up. >I love you Linda Too bad >C’mon, just let me worship you again Click… >Linda? Are you there? Linda… End.