Tales From The Couch Armageddon by dmg Dr. Oldman stood in his doorway looking at the outer offices. they were deserted. all of the "administrative personnel" were gone for the day except him. he was anxiously waiting for his last session of the day and wondered if it would be delayed like all the others were. Mabel had told him there was an ugly mood in the prison and advised him to go home early. looking down the row of empty cubicles he guessed that everyone else had listened to her. at the end of the corridor was the imposing steel door that linked the office area with the prison proper. he saw the reflection from the glass viewing port whch enabled the guards to see who was on the other side. someone told him once that it was bulletproof. he noticed that even the guard wasn't at his usual position just inside the door. he wasn't necessarily alarmed by this. he just filed it away in the back of his head as being unusual. As he wandered back into hs office and sat down his thoughts turned to Jennifer. her hearing was four days away and the had a session scheduled for tomorrow. he hadn't figured out yet what he was going to say at the hearing or what he would tell her tomorrow. he didn't want to say anything against her, and legally he could not mention or even hint at anything she had told him due to privilege. the problem was that they thought they were releasing a one time first offender who was not a danger to society. he knew that she was an amoral multiple murderer. it wasn't that she was evil. she just thought no more of killing than most people think about telling a "little white lie." any justification was enough for her. Just then he became aware of some kind of low-pitched rumbling sound. it was hard for him to make it out or even tell where it was coming from. he went to his window and looked through the bars. he could see people running around, shouting, and pointing in the direction of the prison yard which he could not see from there. he went into the outer office and it got a bit louder as he walked down the corridor to the steel door. looking through the viewing port he recognized Mandy, who was usually the inside guard, standing outside on the walkway at the top of the stairs with another guard he didn't know. the steel stairs led down to the main cell block. they both had their night sticks out and were looking around nervously. He looked across at the single guard on the opposite side of the walkway. she seemed to be struggling with an inmate. then there were two, and then two more. suddenly his view was obscured as Mandy came right up to the door and he could hear her trying to open it with her keys. when she bent down just a bit what he saw made his blood turn to ice. a howling mob of prisoners swarmed up the steps at the two guards and him. Mandy's face came back up and was then smashed into the unbreakable glass. he saw blood coming out of her nose and then she was pulled away. Nothing could be seen through the blood smeared glass now but he was already backing up toward his office. he was hyperventilating, and he could hear the prisoners trying Mandy's keys in the door. he could also hear the wail of sirens now as he ran to the elevator but all the indicator lights were out. he had been told once that the elevator power was automatically shut off during emergencies. as he ran back to his office and closed the door he thought of Mandy's large key ring. he might have a minute or two before they get to the right one. he tried to get his breathing under control as he looked around desparately for a way out or a place to hide. he wondered if they had seen him. Suddenly he remembered something. it was something from the distant past, from when he was a child. he looked at the large, comfortable, upholstered chair on the far side of his office. it was only used when someone had to witness one of his sessions, a patient's relative or some other doctor. he pulled the chair near the corner of the room. then he sat on the floor with his back right in the corner, with his shoulders each touching one of the adjacent walls. then he grabbed the back legs of the chair and pulled it toward him until the back of the chair was in his face and both he and the chair were facing diagonally into the room. he also folded his legs into a yoga type position to keep them hidden. he remembered hiding this way as a child when they played the game "hide and go seek". now if he could just get his breathing under control and stay quiet they might not find him. he had never felt this alone before. Crashing noises came from the outer office and distant voices drew nearer. he heard his door being opened and he cursed himself for not having locked it. it sounded like several of them were in his office, sweeping the papers off of his desk, throwing the books around that were in his small library, and just generally trashing the room. he heard his window being smashed, and one of the women screaming obscenities at someone below. then he heard a familiar voice. "let's get out of here. they're all gone." it was Millie, a two hundred and sixty pound double murderer who had colorfully threatened his life and his manhood on many occassions. he thought to himself, god, please don't let them find me. For a few seconds there was relative quet, and he heard a slightly higher pitched female voice telling them not to kill anyone they find. "we need hostages, not more bodies." for a split second the thought of surrendering went through his head but he heard Millie reply, "well if i found that wimp psychiatrist you're gonna have two hostages because i'm gonna break him in half." he just closed hs eyes and waited. the voices became more distant and then ceased completely. he thought of moving but was far too scared. was he alone, or had they left someone behind? it was hard for him to tell which sounds were real ,and which came from his imagination. twice he thought he heard the sound of some one quiely moving about. he even wondered if it was someone else hiding from them like he was. just stay put, and you'll be safe, he told himself. his legs were starting to cramp and he tried to straighten them out without making a sound or giving himself away. then someone sat down in the chair, pressing the back of it into his face. he was so terrified that he just could not breathe, and he closed his eyes tightly. after a few seconds whoever it was got up and he heard footsteps, and then he got yet another shock. "Is that you behind the chair, doc?" he knew it was Jennifer, but the fear of being discovered gripped him lke a cold hand. he heard her laugh, "oh, come on, doc. this is embarassing." he took a deep breath and tried to compose himself. "come out, come out where ever you are," she sang out. he pushed the chair forward and rose to his feet on wobbly legs, steadying himself by leaning on the back of the chair. he saw she was now sitting in his highbacked leather chair, leaning back and laughing as he stood up. "oh, doc, you are a sight to behold. i'm surprised at you. afraid of a bunch of girls, hiding in the corner like that." He knew she was just taunting him but he hung his head in shame. she was right. "oh, you poor thing, come on out of there. i didn't mean anything by that. nobody expects you to fight a hundred cons. go sit down on the couch and we can talk." he started to move but asked, "what if they come back?" she smiled and brandished a bloody nightstick. "if they come back you're with me." as he sat on the couch he stammered, "w-where did-- how did you g-get?" she held up the nightstick. "this? it used to belong to your friend Mabel. she didn't need it anymore." he just stared at it. "oh, don't worry. most of the blood on it is not her's. she brained two or three cons with it before she went down. they must have stuck her twenty-thirty times. i wasn't the first one to get to this but i convinced the girl who did to let me have it. she couldn't use it, seeing as how her wrist was all broken." He had never been more afraid of her. she was enjoying all of this, having the time of her life. he kept glancing nervously at the door, still terrified that they might return. she leaned forward in the chair. "doc, what about my hearing? what are you gonna say?" his voice was still a bit shaky as he replied, "i was just thinking about that when all of this started. i still wasn't sure but i just realized something. if i can say you helped save me during the riot they'll be sure to let you go." her smile got even wider. "you are one clever little son of a gun, aren't you? all right, doc, that's what i wanted to hear. of course you know i would have saved you anyway. right, sugar?" The sound that came from the outer office kept him from answering. his eyes widened in fear as he stared at the door, barely aware of Jennifer moving fluidly around the desk to stand beside him. the door burst open and Millie stood in the doorway, her huge frame flanked by two average sized girls. he looked up at Jennifer just as she landed a viscious backhand to his face sending him sprawling off of the couch to the floor. Millie demanded, "what's going on here?" Jennifer looked down at him with a cocky smile. "i caught this wimp trying to hide. he was behind that chair." they saw that the chair was away from the wall. Millie was practically licking her chops as she looked down at the terrified, confused man. "you did real good, sister. now just get out of the way and leave him to me." Jennifer casually strode past her to the door and said to the other two girls, "i think we should go outside. they obviously want to be alone." Millie looked back at her companions and grunted, "go on." After they left Millie smiled at him evilly as she pulled out a bloody plastic spoon which had been sharpened to a fine edge. he scrambled up to his feet and backed up as far as he could go. he picked up one of the books off the floor to use as a shield but he knew it wouldn't be enough to save him. even more than the horror he felt at the approaching death was disbelief. he just couldn't believe that Jennifer had turned on him so quickly, with no remorse. somehow it was more devastating to him than the fact that he was about to be cut up. Just as Millie moved close enough to make a thrust there came a cry from the outer office. she looked away and then back at him, but then another cry and a loud thump against the door made her break off her attack. she was yelling as she opened the door, "what the f--" she was cut off as Jennifer charged into her burying the nightstick in her stomach. Millie bent way over and Jennifer tucked her head between her legs and squeezed it. she also grabbed both of her hands and forced them together high behind her back. she thundered down at her captive, "don't you ever put your hand on my man!!" then she looked at him, smiled, and said, "you ok, doc?" tears of graditude were streaming down his face. "i think i love you." she winked at him and said, "you'll get over it, doc." Millie tried to straighten up and lifted her about a foot off the ground but Jennifer locked her ankles together and squeezed so hard Millie sank to her knees crying in pain. Dr. Oldman stared on in amazement as she dominated a woman twice her size. then he saw that one of Millie's companions was back up. she picked up the nightstick that Jennifer had discarded and swung it at her head but he grabbed it and they grappled for control of it. now it was Jennifer's turn to feel grateful. with her arms and legs being occupied by Millie, she had been wide open for that head shot. she watched as the girl tripped him and pounced on him as he fell to the floor. she sat on his chest and forced the nightstick down onto his throat, choking him. he managed to force the bar off of his throat momentarily, but she leaned on it and Jennifer could see it was just a matter of time. she knew she had to finish Millie quick. she used all of her strength on both holds and felt and heard Millie's neck snap like a dry twig. she released her and the body dropped to the floor with a loud thud. she wasted no time landing a brutal kick to the side of the girl's head, and she was out cold when she slumped down onto him. She helped him up and he hugged and kissed her. "i really mean it, Jennifer. i love you." she hugged him back. "take it easy, will you? you're shaking like a leaf. we're gonna be ok now--" out of the corner of her eye she saw the other girl she had fought in the hallway trying to sneak up on them with a homemade knife in her hand. the girl stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that her two companions were down and out . when Jennifer moved toward her she backed out of the room and then turned and ran. Jennifer chased her all the way to the steel door but stopped when she saw her running down the stairs yelling to the other prisoners. and pointing up at them. Dr. Oldman came up behind her. "what's happening?" she closed the steel door and stared at it as she said, "we are about to have company, unless we can bar this door somehow. he turned and ran back to the office, got the nightstick and ran back. they managed to rig it up across the doors just before the howling mob got there. there were quite a few bodies pressing against the door and they knew the wooden nightsick was only buying them a little time. they could hear many voices screaming death threats. she took his hand and said, "let's take a little walk, doc." they walked back down the hallway to his office hand in hand. she asked, "do you think about dying much?" he gave a nervous laugh. "lately, all the time." she smiled, "i think it was Kipling who said, "all true stories end in death." he squeezed her hand tighter. i think it was Clapton who said, "if i could choose a place to die, it would be in your arms." she looked deeply into hs eyes. "i told you once about how i never got to drive a car. there's something else i never got to do." Without another word they closed the door and went to the couch. they kissed as they both removed their pants. he sat on the couch first and she mounted him, wrapping her legs around his body and her arms around his neck and they made love for the first and last time. he was vaguely aware of hearing gunfire in the distance, and the voices and banging on the steel door had stopped. Jennifer whispered to him, "i'm not going to let them get you, doc. goodbye." her voice choked up a bit as she kissed him and squeezed him with all of her strength. he tried to tell her something but no sound came out. he tried to breathe but could not. his body was exploding from the pressure and screamed for air. as darkness descended on him his last thought was to wonder if this was all a dream. the last thing his dying eyes saw was a man bursting into the room, but he never saw him fire, and never felt the impact of the bullets which tore through her and into him. she was struck in the heart and died almost as quickly as he had. her last thought was that it was the first time she had been happy in a long, long time. THE END